- maximum personal interest 个人利益最大化
- Men begin to enter female jobs out of consideration for personal interest. 出于个人利益考虑,男子开始介入女子的工作领域。
- A good leader must look beyond personal interest or aversion. 一个优秀的领导人必须眼光放远,超越个人利益或嫌恶。
- The obstacle that personal interest and fondness produced vanishes. 因个人利益喜好而生的障碍也就都消散无踪矣!
- For his own personal interest, Mr. Chen ratted on his government. 陈先生为了个人的利益,背叛了他的政府。
- Personal interest is not always compatible with public interest. 个人利益和集体利益不能总是一致的。
- We should subordinate our personal interest to that of the collective. 我们应该让个人利益服从集体利益。
- He is always ready to sacrifice his personal interest to public good. 他随时准备为大家的利益而牺牲自身利益。
- He is always ready to sacrifice his personal interest to public good . 他随时准备为大家的利益而牺牲自身利益。
- These lords tended to sit only in cases where they had a personal interest. 这些贵族只是在案件关系到其切身利益时才到庭。
- Did you start your screenwriting career based on your personal interest? 你初初入行做编剧,是否都是基于兴趣?
- The traitor exchanged the country's honour for his personal interest. 这个卖国贼为了个人利益而出卖祖国的荣誉。
- Directors must disclose any personal interests to the board. 根据规定,董事必须向董事局申报个人利益。
- Is it worth sacrificing one's personal interests for health? 为了健康牺牲嗜好,值得吗?
- As it was a matter of personal interest, the discussion drew enthusiastic comments from many. 尤其养老金问题谈得格外热烈,这关系切身利益。
- Britain may never again have a leader with such a personal interest in theology. 或许英国再也不会出现一个领导人对神学有如此的个人兴趣。
- As it was a matter of personal interest,the discussion drew enthusiastic comments from many. 尤其养老金问题谈得格外热烈,这关系切身利益。
- Do you always take such a personal interest in the people you guard?"He made it sound vaguely dirty. 你私下里总是对你的保护对象怀有这种兴趣吗?“他这话说得听起来隐隐有些下流。
- The maximum load for this lorry is one ton. 这辆卡车最大载重量是一吨。
- Projects make it possible to discover one's natural talent and personal interest. 项目有可能发现自己的天赋和个人利益。