- Maximum entropy distribution of wave group length 波群长度的最大熵分布
- maximum entropy distribution 最大熵分布
- They can adopt conformations which lead to maximum entropy. 他们可以采取有最大熵值的构象。
- They can adopt conformations which lead to maximum entropy . 他们可以采取有最大熵值的构象。
- Continuous attributes are discretized through maximum entropy method. 连续属性通过极大熵方法离散化。
- The algorithm of solving 2D inverse scattering in time domain using maximum entropy is Proposed for reconstructing the velocity distribution in Corss-hole, VSP and SRP imaging system. 用最大熵求解二维时域逆散射问题的层析成像算法反演井间、VSP和SRP中的二维介质波速分布。
- Here, the Maximum Entropy model is implemented for multi-modal video analysis to annotate video semantics. 本文用最大熵模型对视频的多模态特征进行建模,对视频进行语义标注。
- The source-channel approach can be regard as a special case of maximum entropy approach. 基于最大熵的统计机器翻译方法比基于信源通道的方法更具有一般性,后者可以看做前者的一个特例。
- DFP and RAGA on maximum entropy theory are proposed, an environment optimization problem is good solved. 和用基于最大熵原理的变尺度算法(DFP)利实编码加速遗传算法(RAGA),解决了带约束的环境优化问题。
- Liu, Y., Z.Yu, and S.Jiang, 1990: Cospectrum and quadrature spectrum estimation by the maximum entropy method. 周良明、刘玉光,2003:利用地物光谱仪数据研究水汽对太阳辐射的吸收。
- The envisaged final state of maximum entropy, where there will be no activity at all, is termed heat death. 我们所能想象的终极状态就是熵值的最大化,那时将根本不存在任何活动。这种状态就叫做“热死”。
- The resolution of overlapping ambiguity strings (QAS) is studied based on maximum entropy model. 摘要利用最大熵模型研究中文自动分词中交集型切分歧义的消解。
- The forward coefficients of the filter can be adaptively determined using the maximum entropy method in real time. 设计中采用最大熵谱估计方法来实时、自适应地得到前向系数,利用遗传算法来提前设计反馈系数。
- Jaynes, E. T. (1979), “Where do We Stand on Maximum Entropy?” The Maximum Entropy Formalism, R. D. 李煜舲(1988),“饱和砂土液化特性与孔隙水压预估之研究”,国立交通大学土木工程研究所硕士论文,新竹。
- A sequential maximum entropy approach was proposed to statistical metamodeling of time-consuming simulation programs. 摘要针对包含计算耗时仿真模型的虚拟试验预测模型建模过程,提出了一种序贯极大熵试验设计方法。
- We utilized the combined maximum entropy homotopy method to solve the general nonconvex nonlinear programming problems. 利用组合极大熵同伦方法,研究一般的非凸非线性规划问题。
- Maximum Entropy Models for Natural Language Ambiguity Resolution." Ph. D. Dissertation. University of Pennsylvania, pp.6-18. 〈自然语言歧义消解的最大熵模型〉宾夕法尼亚大学博士论文,6-18页。
- The paper discusses the maximum entropy spectral estimation algorithm and its application in ICW (Interrupted-continuous wave) Radar in the aspect of theoretics and engineering. 论文从理论和应用两个角度对最大熵谱预测外推算法以及在中断连续波雷达中的设计实现进行了研究。
- This thesis exploringly constructs a Chinese names recognition system which is based on the Maximum Entropy model and can recognize all kinds of names at the same time. 本文基于最大熵模型,探索性地构建了一个能够对中文文本中各类人名进行统一识别的中文人名识别系统,取得了较好的效果。
- In this paper, we present a new method on feature extraction which uses HowNet as semantic resource, and use Maximum Entropy Model to realize it. 本文提出了一种使用知网作为语义资源选取分类特征,并使用最大熵模型进行分类的新方法。