- Price their items to maximize profits. 大意:对各种道具标价,确保利益最大化(是好东西!
- The chief idea of this project was to maximize profits. 这项计划的主旨就是使利润最大化。
- We must maximize profits. 我们必须尽量增加利润。
- Here, the basic assumption is that firms attempt to maximize profits. 这里,基本的假设是公司企图追求最高利润。
- A business whose goal is to maximize profits is not likely to act out of a sense of social responsibility although its activity will probably be legal. 一个一味追求利润最大化的企业,即使它的活动都是合法的,它通常也不会凭社会责任感行事。
- By analyzing the cost of each service, prices can be set to maximize profits and eliminate unprofitable services. 通过分析每项劳务的成本,就能定出价格,使利润最大化,并排除无利可图的劳务。
- It is about pyramiding your winning positions to maximize profits while keeping losses under control. 本书也会告诉你在赚钱的仓位中以金字塔方式加仓以追求最大利润并控制好亏损。
- Similarly, businesses can interfere with pure competition, through price fixing or other monopolistic practices, in order to maximize profits. 同样,通过控制价格或其他垄断性措施,企业也可以参与纯粹的竞争,以获取最大的利润。
- It is a critical deficiency in this method as well; it can lead a manager to choose investments that do not maximize profits. 这也是它的重要不足,它有可能使经理人员选择那些不能使利润最大化的投资项目。
- Incentives: what do managers and workers care about? Do they try to maximize profit? 动机:经理和工人所关心的是什么?他们会去寻求最大的益吗?
- Won't some people say that you have a fiduciary responsibility to yourshareholders to maximize profit? 难道没有人指责你们的决定,说你们的责任应该是让股东利益最大化吗?
- How to control the engineering project cost to maximize profit is what is earnestly cared of by and one of the research topics of the operators. 如何控制工程项目成本,争取利润最大化,是经营者认真关心和研究的课题。
- For the commercially motivated seller, the issue of bundling a large number of low marginal cost items so as to maximize profits needs to be dealt with. 其二是商品的数量相对庞大.;电子期刊的销售者在如何捆绑销售数量巨大的电子期刊文章以提高利润成为了一个诚代解决的问题。
- As an advanced result of financial virtuality, asset securitization was originally designed to avoid regulation and maximize profit. 资产证券化是金融虚拟性演进到高级阶段的结果,是被监管者为规避监管以追逐最高利润为目的设计的行为模式。
- In large corporations, the primary duties of the CFO may be to oversee and manage a large accounting department, while coming up with ways to maximize profit to the company. 在大型的集团,CFO主要的任务有可能是监管并管理一个庞大的会计部,及为公司想出把利润达到最大值的办法。
- Constraints, therefore, involve opportunity costs. Identifying this opportunity cost is the first step in deciding how limited resources should be allocated in order to maximize profits. 因此,限制因素涉及到机会成本。确定这个机会成本是确定如何分配有限资源以达到最大利润的第一步。
- If the enterprise want to make the maximize profits,and empolder the human resource effectively,it must renew the conception and gradually achieve for the Human Resource Management. 企业要实现利润最大化, 有效开发人力资源, 就必须更新观念, 实现向人力资源管理的转变。
- Our mission: To achieve maximized profit for our shareholders and our clients. 我们的使命:为我们和我们的客户实现最大化的利润。
- It also aims at maximizing profit but subject to Shariah restrictions. 它也追求利益最大化但服从教法限制。
- Export agency provides enterprise solutions that help businesses of reducing costs, expenses, and reasonable tax avoidance, coordinated relationship, helping enterprises maximize profits. 提供企业代理出口解决方案、帮助企业降底成本、费用,合理避税,协调相关关系,帮助企业实现利润最大化。