- The convertible notes are convertible at a conversion price of HK 0.1945, bEarning no interest and with a maturity period of two years. 可换股票据之兑换价为每股0.;1945港元;年期两年;不计利息。
- These fries will enter their mature period soon. 这些鱼苗很快就会进入成熟期了。
- Hu Shi liberalism experienced several times,which are germination period, pregnancy, maturity period, carcinogenesis period. 胡适自由主义经历了萌芽、结胎、成熟与癌变几个时期。
- ICULStoo confers similar rights but at a specified conversion ratio and thisneeds to be exercised within the specified maturity period. iculs太赋予同等权利;但在一个特定的转化率;这需要加以行使;在指定成熟期.
- Study on Fruits Quality in Different Mature Period of Lycium barbarum L. 枸杞不同成熟期果实品质研究。
- But the maturity periods of such loans are usually measured in days, so the pressure on the borrower to repay blunts their usefulness. 但是在成熟的市场,那样借贷利率通常以天计算,所以借贷者还款的压力会减弱其运用资金的效率。
- In soybean varieties with same maturity, if protein content was higher in incipient period of seeding, protein content was still higher in mature period, all the same, the lower was still lower The oil was alike to protein content in variation. 同熟期品种,凡初期蛋白质含量高者,成熟种子亦高。
- The mature feminine stature already arrived in the woman life generally the most mature period. 成熟女性的身材一般已经到了女人一生中的最成熟期。
- Teenage is the period at which the body reaches maturity. 青少年是身体成熟期。
- The emergence of GPA is a sign of government procurement of international society entering into mature period. 摘要GPA的产生是国际社会政府采购进入成熟阶段的标志;
- Heredity Analysis of Fruit Mature Period in Progenies from and Intraspecific and Interspecific Hibridization of Vitis amurensis Rupr. 山葡萄种内和种间杂交后代果实成熟期遗传分析。
- My plan has gradually come to maturity. 我的计划逐渐成熟。
- The variation of three enzymes, such the acid invertase, neutral invertase and amylase, was examinated with nine sugarcane varieties during mature period. 摘要研究了9个甘蔗品种叶片的酸性转化酶、中性转化醉、淀粉醉活性在甘蔗成熟期的变化规律。
- Objective and Methods:To study unmarried,unpregnant and virgin during sexual mature period breast normal structure by ultrasound. 目的与方法:通过对性成熟未婚健康处女乳房的超声研究,提出正常乳腺结构超声图像的新概念。
- The time of life between childhood and maturity. 青春期处于儿童和成年之间的生命时期
- During the natural technical maturation period,the peroxidase activity of tested internode fluctuates and depends on the cultivars but has a ground. 在甘蔗工艺成熟过程中,节间过氧化物酶活性是波动性变化的,不同品种表现不一致,但存在一个基础酶活性。
- Which strategies could reconsider before each time well not to apply, and unified the mature period each principle to carry on patching to the brand. 可以反思以前各个时期的哪些策略没有很好地应用,并结合成熟期的各种法则对品牌进行修补。
- His experience has a slow maturity. 他的经验缓慢地成熟。
- In the mature period: The subject develop professional performance on responding to children appropriately and flexile rules. 三、成熟期现况与省思:此阶段个案能运用弹性化的常规、开放的点心时间、发挥专业的教师表现。
- This text reports the tracks of studying to the shape and density of gland trichomes for 11 different genotype of flue-cured tobacco in mature period. 摘要为提供优质烤烟新品种选育中提高香气质和香气量的依据,对中国11个烤烟品种定型叶片的腺毛密度和在成熟过程变化的规律进行了跟踪研究。