- mature health service market 老年卫生健康服务领域
- Health Management Ignites Big Health Service Market 健康管理引爆大健康服务市场
- Finance for the National Health Service comes from taxpayers. 国家卫生局的资金来自纳税人的税款。
- Policy review and trend on opening health services market in China 我国内地医疗服务市场对外开放的政策回顾及走势
- Nurses are the linchpin of the health service. 护士是公共医疗卫生服务的支柱。
- The health service must be radically reformed. 公共医疗卫生服务必须进行彻底改革。
- International commercial satellite launching service market. 国际商业卫星发射服务市场。
- The local doctors notify health service of the cases of cholera. 当地的医生向卫生局通报了霍乱疫情。
- After the global trend of telecommunication liberalization in the 90s, mobile service market in West Europe, North America, Japan and Korea are moving from a rapid-growing stage to a mature stage. 中文摘要经过90年代全球电信自由化的风潮后,西欧、北美、日本、韩国地区的行动通信服务市场由快速成长期逐渐进入成熟期。
- She began the reform of the health service in India. 她开始着手改革印度的卫生事业。
- The book gives a general picture of China's health service. 书中说明了中国保健事业的概貌。
- The book gives a general picture of China rs health service. 书中说明了中国保健事业的概貌。
- The local doctors notify health service of the cases of cholera . 当地的医生向卫生局通报了霍乱疫情。
- Essential of service marketing II. 服务业行销2。
- Financefor the National Health Service comes from taxpayers. 国家卫生局的资金来自纳税人的税款。
- Stimulating Mechanism of Community Health Service in China. 我国社区卫生服务的激活机制。
- The China design services market is a relatively young one. 中国内地的设计服务市场发展起步较迟。
- The local doctor notified health service of the case of cholera . 当地的医生向卫生局通报了霍乱疫情。
- What about the Future of Mobile Value-added Services Market? 移动增值市场何去何从?
- Second, we will improve the public health service system. 二是完善公共卫生服务体系。