- The WHD software has bee established ou the basis of realizing the design computerization through the thought of load analysis, theoretical modelling inner force analysis and matrix iteration method. 通过载荷分析、理论建模、内力分析及迭代算法的思路实现了货架分析设计过程的计算机化,在此基础上完成了“WHD”软件的研制。
- matrix iteration method 矩阵迭代法
- A new algorithm, which combined matrix method with iteration method, is pres. 给出了三种新的计算整函数实零点的大范围收敛迭代法。
- Based on the inverse position equation and the jacobian matrix, the solution of direct position is obtained through the numerical iteration method. 在机构位置反解和速度雅可比矩阵的基础上,利用数值迭代的方法对机构进行了正解求解,每次可以求得机构的一组正解。
- Generalized inverse matrix (GIM) is a new force method based on the generalized inverse matrix theory, which is an iteration method for solving material nonlinear problems. 摘要广义逆力法是一种以力法为力学概念基础,以广义逆矩阵理论为数学理论基础,以迭代求解为求解方式的新算法。
- Based on the Kuhn Tucker condition the Newton Raphson iteration method was used to solve the nonlinear optimization. 为了有效地进行非线性过程优化分析 ,从优化问题的 Kuhn- Tucker条件出发 ,采用 Newton- Raphson迭代方法建立了非线性优化问题的求解方案。
- This paper presents an improved advanced alternative iteration method to calculate the power flow of AC/DC systems. 提出一种改进交替求解法来计算交直流混合输电系统潮流。
- The output current of the alternator at different speed is computed by an iteration method. 用迭代的方法计算出发电机负载不同转速时的输出电流。
- The SOLA pressure iteration is accelerated by use of the adaptive pressure iteration method. 推荐采用的自适应压力迭代法有利于计算速度的提高。
- Isotonic Regression,order restriction,restricted maximum likelihood estimate,iteration method,constraint optimization. 01保序回归,半序约束,约束最大似然估计,迭代方法,约束最优化
- Abstract: Generally a series of eigenvaluse from low to high andcorresponding eigenvectors can be obtained, by using inverse iteration method to solve eigenvalue. 文摘:用逆迭代法求解特征值问题,可以依次得到一系列由低到高的特征值和相应的特征向量。
- A energy iteration method for periodic solutions to second order strongly nonlinear non-autonomous systems is suggested. 摘要给出了确定一般二阶强非线性非自治系统周期解的能量迭代方法。
- Elaborate a basic theory of calculating group of linear equation by iteration method, reforming Jacobi iteration method, raising constringency rate. 阐述用迭代法解线方程组的基本理论,对雅可比迭代法作了一些改进,提高了其收敛速度。
- It analyses the relation by Newton s iteration method,which shows the select of the time step has a relation with the mesh size and dispersion error. 利用牛顿迭代法对其进行了全面的分析,发现了时间步长的选取与网格、色散误差的大小有一定的联系。
- The convergence rate of subspace iteration method used to compute eigenvalues problem is confined when the distribution range of eigenvalues is large. 而求解特征值问题的子空间迭代法,当矩阵的特征值的分布范围较大时,其收敛速度会受到限制。
- Han Tianmin, An iteration method for a class of ill-conditioned linear algebraic equations, Acta of Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 3(1977), 28--34. 韩天敏;病态线性代数方程组的一种迭代解法;应用数学学报;3(1977);28--34.
- A new pressure gradient iteration method is proposed to deal with the problem caused by nonzero normal pressure gradients. 对旋转在边界层中的影响进行分析之后,提出了一个能够处理壁面法向压力梯度不为零问题的压力梯度迭代方法。
- A quadratic convergent iteration method with adjusted parameters without derivative for solving nonlinear equations is discussed in this paper. 摘要讨论一种解非线性方程的具有变参数的不带导数的二阶收敛迭代法。
- Patterns will deform under the effect of the forces, so we adopted Jacobi's iteration method to solve the movement equation. 同时采用基于雅可比迭代法的隐式积分方法高效求解了织物的运动方程,不断显示服装的悬垂动画,并用纹理映射模拟织物的真实效果。
- Conjugate gradient method is an iterative method, it applies to sparse matrix systems, because these systems such as the Cholesky decomposition of the direct method is too high. 共轭梯度法是一个迭代方法,所以它适用于稀疏矩阵系统,因为这些系统对于象乔莱斯基分解这样的直接方法太大了。