- That maths exam I took was a regular brain drain. 绞尽脑汁的数学测验,我真是绞尽了脑汁。
- He was always bottom of the class in maths. 他的数学成绩在班上总是垫底。
- She got a first in maths at Exeter. 她在埃克塞特大学数学系毕业,获一级荣誉学位。
- She had her hair styled at the beauty parlor. 她的头发是在美容院做的。
- I am always a bit of a duffer at maths. 我在数学方面总是有点笨。
- He has a mental block about maths. 他一遇到数学问题就糊涂。
- The maths teacher was furious and gave me 50 lines. 数学老师气坏了,罚我抄书50行。
- The math exam was a clay pigeon. 数学考试非常容易。
- She majored in maths and physics at university. 她在大学期间主修数学和物理。
- She preened herself upon her beauty. 她为自已的美貌感到自满。
- We enjoyed the beauty of nature. 我们欣赏大自然的美。
- He is not interested in math in the least. 他对数学一点都不感兴趣。
- She had an eye for the beauty of nature. 她有鉴赏自然美的眼力。
- As a matter of fact, I have no interest in maths. 事实上,我对数学不感兴趣。
- She hasn't much feeling for the beauty of nature. 她对大自然的美缺少鉴赏力。
- Our maths classes are pretty deadly. 我们的数学课非常枯燥。
- Her beauty enslaved many young men. 她的美貌倾倒了很多男青年。
- The teacher will test us in maths. 老师将测验我们数学。
- Her beauty enamor, ed the prince. 她的美貌迷住了王子。
- She majored in maths and physics (at university). 她(在大学)主修数学和物理。