- The specifications should provide a reasonable material balance. 应该提供一个合理的物料平衡控制标准。
- GEMS general energy and materials balance system 通用能量和物料平衡系统的缩写
- Based on the special geologic and hydrodynamic features, the, conventional material balance equation is, modified. 摘要根据特殊的地质和水动力学特徵,对常规物质平衡方程进行了改进。
- So the simulated annealing algorithm is introduced to solving the material balance equation. 因此,本文引入模拟退火算法求解物质平衡方程。
- Based on the special geologic and hydrodynamic features, the conventional material balance equation is modified. 根据特殊的地质和水动力学特征,对常规物质平衡方程进行了改进。
- Condensate gas reservoir is a special kind of reservoir and its material balance equation is greatly different from that of conventional gas reservoir. 摘要凝析气藏是一种特殊的油气藏类型,其物质平衡方程式与常规气藏物质平衡方程式应存在较大的差异。
- In the conventional reservoir engineering,using material balance method to evaluate formation pressure is usually made when PVT data are already known. 传统的油藏工程方法中利用物质平衡法估算地层压力,通常在PVT资料已知的条件下进行。
- In light of such a thought,a gas-liquid multiple solid phase material balance equation is put forward in the paper.The amo... 通过对凝析油蜡沉积的计算表明 ,用该模型计算的蜡的沉积量和析蜡温度与实验结果非常吻合。
- Large deviation will appear if material balance equation of the gas reservoir for calculating OIP is used directly in this production scheme. 在此开采方式下,直接采用气藏物质平衡方程进行地质储量计算将出现很大偏差。
- Many natural materials are becoming scarce. 许多天然原料越来越少。
- A set of experimental unit for measuring absorbability of natural gas in source rocks was built according to the principle of material balance. 根据物质平衡原理,设计了一套测量岩石吸附天然气量的实验装置。
- By material balance equation, the dust concentrations measured at various directions of various testing spots of the louver board are determined, from wh... 据此,提出以半敞开方式排放烟气烟尘的除尘系统烟气烟尘浓度测试方法,即侧向间接测试法。
- The beautiful curtain is made of remnant materials. 这个漂亮的窗帘是用零头布做的。
- There are various models, size, material balance balance balance blocks folder Kazi-supply balance, according to the workpiece, the actual situation tailor-made. 有各种型号、大小、材质的平衡夹平衡块平衡片平衡卡子供应,可根据客户工件的实际情况量身订做。
- Some synthetic materials do not crush easily. 有些化纤衣料不易起皱。
- A method of material balance correction for iterative s olutions is put forward in this paper.The applications demonstrate that this me thod could decrease mate... 实际应用表明 ,此方法可以大大降低油藏模拟的物质平衡误差 ,提高迭代求解的收敛速度。
- This article is based on the material balance equation and the no fixed water inroad equation,educe the equation of the no water recovery and the water coming time. 以物质平衡方式和不定态水侵公式等油藏工程理论为基础,得出无水期采收率和油藏见水时间的计算公式。
- Everything we used was made from natural materials. 我们所用的一切都是由天然材料做成的。
- He buys the materials wholesale. 他成批地购买原材料。
- He is collecting materials for a book. 他正在为写书搜集素材。