- He's apprenticed to a craftsman. 他去跟一名手艺人当学徒。
- masterly craftsmanship 手艺高妙
- The craftsman taught his son and heir how to make pots. 这个工匠向他的独子传授了制罐的手艺。
- In symphonic writing he is the master craftsman. 在交响乐曲的创作上,他堪称技艺大师。
- A person with masterly skill or technique in the arts. 艺术名家在艺术上造诣很深的人
- A musician with masterly ability, technique, or personal style. 演奏能手功力深厚、技巧娴熟或有个人风格的音乐师
- The artist's work shows the perfect union of craftsmanship and imagination. 这位艺术家的作品表现了技艺和想象力的完美的结合。
- His handling of the meeting was masterly. 他主持这次会议的技巧真高明。
- Attention to detail is the hallmark of a fine craftsman. 能工巧匠的特点是一丝不苟。
- His grasp of international realities was masterly. 他对国际形势了如指掌。
- We like the masterly pencil of Rembrandt. 我们喜欢伦勃朗的精巧画法。
- Lao Li's craftsmanship is better than all of us. 老李的手艺比我们几个都好。
- Her handling of the situation was masterly. 她对情势的处理非常巧妙。
- The artist's use of contrast is masterly. 这位艺术家娴熟地运用了明暗对比。
- The craftsman beat gold into rings. 这位工匠把金子打成戒指。
- The craftsman fined the wood down. 匠人细心地将木头削细磨平。
- He deployed his troops in a masterly way. 他部署他的军队很巧妙。
- This is a masterly piece of work. 这是一件杰作。
- The craftsman plated copper with silver. 工匠给铜镀银。
- He handled the subject in a masterly way. 他巧妙地论述了这个问题。