- massively parallel processor environment 大规模并行处理机环境
- massively parallel processor (MPP) 大规模并行处理机
- In a massively parallel processors (MPP) system,the router constitutes the primary factor influencing the performance of the interconnection network and MPP system. 路由器在大规模并行处理机系统 (MPP)中 ;对互连网络通信性能和系统性能发挥起着关键作用 .
- Issues on the Scalability in Designing a Massively Parallel Processor 关于大规模并行处理机系统可扩展性设计
- massively parallel processor 大规模并行处理机
- Microkernels are suitable for massively parallel systems, meaning systems that use many processors to run one application. 微内核适合于大规模并行系统,这意味着系统使用很多处理器来运行一个应用程序。
- This method is ideally suitable for massively parallel computers because of its explicitness. 由于算法是显式求解,因此具有很好的并行性,适合于在并行机上解决大规模计算问题。
- We take a massively parallel copy machine and try to stifle most acts of reproduction. 我们拥有大量复制机,并努力扼杀绝大多数复制行为。
- Microkernels are suitable for massively parallel systems,meaning systems that use many processors to run one application. 微内核适合于大规模并行系统,这意味着系统使用很多处理器来运行一个应用程序。
- A new type of supercomputer, called the massively parallel computer, has recently been introduced, this type of computer has hundreds or even thousands of processors. 最近又出现了一种新型的超级计算机,称为大规模并行计算机。这种计算机拥有几百个或者甚至几千个处理器。
- In this paper, we explore the effectiveness and extend one such formal methodology in the design of massively parallel algorithms. 本文将这样的方法进行推广,并探索这种方法在设计密码学大量并行算法中的有效性。
- Hillis's first massively parallel Connection Machine had 64,000 processors working in unison.He couldn't wait to get evolution going. 希利斯的第一台大规模并行连接机能使64,000个中央处理器完全一致地进行工作。
- A parallel processor deprives the programmer of one of the most valuable tools for debugging: repeatability. 平行架构的处理器,使程式设计师丧失了一项最重要的除错工具:可重复性。
- In his eagerness to wire up a computer as a platform for evolution, Holland did the only reasonable thing: he designed a massively parallel computer to run his experiments. 霍兰德渴望把计算机连接成为进化的平台,他做了唯一顺理成章的事情:他设计了一台大规模并行的计算机来运行他的实验。
- In a parallel processor, if the main memorizer?s band width can mate many processing units, the memorizer must use many parallel locations. 在并行处理机中 ,主存储器频带宽度要和多个处理单元匹配 ,存储器就必须采用多体并行的组成方式。
- The target system (a large MIMD parallel processor computer system) is presented first, then, the microprogrammable host machine, and finally the implementation of emulator PARCER. 本文先介绍目标系统(大型MIMD并行处理系统),然后介绍微程序宿主机(PUMA),最后介绍仿真器PARCER的实现。
- Massively parallel pyrosequeneing 大规模并行焦磷酸测序
- massively parallel multicomputer 大规模并行多计算机
- massively parallel artificial intelligence 大规模并行人工智能
- massively parallel processing machines 大量平行处理机