- mass transfer behavior 传质行为
- Rotating Packed Bed (RPB) is a new type of mass transfer equipment. 旋转床是一种新型的传质设备。
- It is on this basis that all mass transfer coefficients are here reported. 所有此处报道的各种传质系数都是以此为基准的。
- All investigators in mass transfer assumed plug flow of gas in packed beds. 所有传递问题的研究者都假定在填充床层中的气体为活塞流。
- Examples of interactions are mass transfer caused by temperature gradient. 温度梯度所引起的质量转移是交叉作用的例子。
- The droplet size, initial velocity of gas flow, superheat degree and spray distance all have great influences on the heat transfer behavior of atomized droplets. 熔滴尺寸、雾化气流初始速度、熔滴过热度及喷涂距离对雾化熔滴的热传输行为均有很大的影响;
- In combination with field test, the load transfer behavior of multi-type-pile composite foundation has been analyzed by use of FEM. 利用有限元仿真手段,并结合现场试验结果,对多桩型复合地基的载荷传递机理进行了分析。
- Therefore, the effect of mass transfer can be ignored and the CSTR model was used to simulate the reactor. 从而不计传质,并将反应器考虑成CSTR模型,模拟计算结果与实际值比较吻合。
- After detailed analysic and comparison , it points out the differences between load transfer behavior of grouped piles and that of singled pile . 经过详尽的分析与比较,得出群桩复合地基荷载传递规律与水泥土单桩荷载传递规律的差异;
- These processes are governed by the mass transfer equation, which is similar to the energy equation previously deduced. 这些过程遵循质量传递方程,它类似于前面推导出来的能量方程。
- Hallway is civilization residence the initial drop of indoor space alignment, it is indicating sortie resident demesne the bounds of the domain, belong to transfer behavior space. 门厅是文明型住宅户内空间序列的起始点,它标志着涉足住户私有领域的界限,属于过渡行为空间。
- Heat and mass transfer analysis in horizontal well bore during thermal recovery. 水平井热力采油过程中的传热传质分析
- Increase of efficiency for mass transfer was the development trend on biological reaction filler. 因此,提高传质效率是生物处理反应填料的发展趋势。
- With the aqueous phase velocity increasing, the mass transfer flux increased, but the recovery extraction decreased. 由回收率的大小可以看出,电泳萃取分离技术是一种很好的处理染料水的方法。
- The Linear Driving Force (LDF) model is applied to describe the mass transfer rate. 模型同 时考虑了吸附 与解吸过程中的热效应,引入了能量平衡方程。
- Incropera DeWitt, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer 4th, John Wiley &Sons Inc.,1996. 陈文福,针织物溼热传导性质之研究,1998年6月。
- The disappearance and transfer behavior of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs) (the mains of penta PCBs) at higher concentrations (400 mg/kg) bestrewed into semi field soil systems were studied under near field conditions (semi dry climate in North China). 利用构建的土壤半野外试验系统 ;在接近野外 (半干旱气候 )条件下 ;研究高含量 ( 4 0 0mg/kg)高氯代PCBs(以五氯代为主 )在系统中的迁移与消失规律 .
- In this paper, the heat and mass transfer in mushrooms during blast precooling is studied experimentally. 结果表明:对流预冷比真空预冷重量损失小、无冻伤。
- F. P. Incropera and D. P. Dewit, “Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer”, 3th ed., John Wiley & Sons, 1990. 王培堂,“圆管内部连续突出环节对水流与管壁间之热传增强”,国立中兴大学机械工程研究所硕士论文,2005。