- A mass movement against forced labour spread through the state. 在那个邦,展开了一场反对强迫劳动的群众运动。
- The mass movement tore on apace. 群众运动迅速向前推进。
- It is essential for the army to participate in mass movements. 军队参加群众运动还是很重要的。
- In recent years,mass movements to help orphans have blossomed. 近几年,中国群众性助孤活动日益深入。
- Any attempts to bring under the mass movement for civil rights are doomed to failure. 任何镇压民权群众运动的企图都是注定要失败的。
- But the mass movement has stopped? 但是群众运动不是已经结束了吗?
- Q. But the mass movement has stopped? 但是群众运动不是已经结束了吗?
- In recent years, mass movements to help orphans have blossomed. 近几年,中国群众性助孤活动日益深入。
- What is the correct attitude of the government towards mass movements? 政府对群众运动的正确态度是什么呢?
- What laws should we keep in mind in guiding mass movements in the base areas? 什么是我们指导根据地群众运动应掌握的规律呢?
- Even the mass movement has degenerated to an unbelievable extent! 便是群众运动也堕落到叫人难以相信。
- All this is designed to remove obstacles in the mass movement. 这是为了扫除群众运动的障碍。
- Mass movement is one way of carrying out the mass line. 群众运动是实行群众路线的一种形式。
- In short, the leadership should never lag behind the mass movement. 总之,领导不应当落在群众运动的后头。
- In mass movements no practices such as humiliating landlords by beating and spitting on them should be encouraged. 在群众运动中不能提倡侮辱地主人格的行为,如打人、唾口水等。
- Mass movements have their own laws and the Party must guide the movements with these laws firmly in mind. 群众运动有其自身的规律,党在指导群众运动中,必须掌握住这种规律。
- Now a mass movement to plant trees is in full swing all over the country. 现在群众性植树运动正在全国大力开展。
- The government should support mass movements,not watch them from the sidelines or ignore them in a bureaucratic manner. 政府对于群众运动应是扶植的态度,所以不应对群众运动采取旁观或漠不关心的官僚主义态度。
- The mass movement should be intensified,but kept on an appropriate scale. 群众运动要求深入,但亦应注意其规模。
- Similarly,it has led to insufficient democracy in the united front and in the mass movements. 同时,也就影响到统一战线中、民众运动中民主生活的不足。