- Distribution executives viewed the annual output of a studio as a mixed product line for a single mass audience. 发行经理们把某一制片厂一年内制作的影片作为为某一特定观众制作的混合生产线产品。
- Yelp had strong SEO, which found them a mass audience searching for restaurants and nightlife. Yelp通过超强的SEO让大量搜索饭馆和夜生活场所的人们搜到它。
- A book or film that fails to attract a mass audience tumbles quickly into the depressed middle. 一本书或一部电影未能吸引到广大读者或观众,将很快跌入到不景气中。
- The image of women on the two sides of the Taiwan Straits as seen on TV is between truth and fantasy, reflecting to some extent the imaginings of the mass audience. 从电视媒体看两岸女性,在真实与虚幻之间,多少呈现了芸芸大众的一番想像。
- You might want to speculate about this aspect of films - how films are shaped to fit what the film industry thinks a mass audience wants to see, in order to make the most money. 你必须要去质疑电影的这个层面---电影如何被形塑为电影工业所想像的吸引大众之内容,以赚取最多的金钱。
- The race is now on to find the next upstart website capable of forging a mass audience from this outpouring of so-called user-generated content, and to spot the next broad trend that will shape how millions of people use the online medium. 目前正在进行一场竞赛,以期找出下一个网站新秀,能够利用这种铺天盖地的所谓用户自创内容吸引庞大的受众群体;同时,人们也在竞相甄别下一个大趋势,这个趋势将会决定无数网民未来使用网络媒介的方式。
- The most important roles to any tournament are the mass audience;fortunately we have had full supports from Ms.Wang Li-Zhu, the very first professional reporter of golfs, then also from Ms. 当然,任何比赛必须有大量观众的高度关心及参与,才能提高比赛的热度及社会的广大注意而逐渐提升这个运动在全民心目中的地位,这就需要平面及立体媒体的热心报导。
- The main part of this thesis emphasizes on how to achieve optimum subtitling in view of the mass audience’s response and acceptance by implementing the theory of dynamic equivalence into practice. 在奈达动态理论的总体框架下,针对字幕翻译的限制性与特点,提出了准确性、可读与易读性以及读者省力原则这三条实际操作原则。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- The performance truly exalted the audience. 演出确使观众情绪高昂。
- Vesnin fitted the facade with big doors that could be opened to reveal an internal stage for performances viewed by mass audiences outdoors. 维斯宁装外墙的大门,可以打开,暴露了内部的舞台表演观摩大众户外。
- This latter, originally an operatic vocalist, has won recognition with mass audiences by switching over to a popular repertoire. 后者原来是一个歌剧演员,转成流行表演,通过转型,赢得了大家的认可。
- The audience chimed in on the chorus. 听众开始跟合唱队一起唱起来。
- The audience began to troop away. 听众开始成群结队地离去。
- The audience was no less than five thousand. 听众有五千人之多。
- The audience was not less than five thousand. 听众至少也有五千人。
- She can magnetize a theatre audience. 她能像磁石般吸引剧院观众。
- The mass rally was a total fiasco. 那次群众集会彻底失败。
- The audience lapped up the violin solo. 观众对小提琴独奏反应热烈。
- She had the audience in hysterics. 她把观众逗得捧腹大笑。