- Engineer case is presented here to demonstrate this method for aseismic reliability of the existing masonry structures. 选用工程实例说明了已有砌体结构抗震可靠度分析的实用方法。
- The application of such strengthening procedure to ancient masonry structures buildings with bonding FRP sheets was introduced too. 同时介绍了欧洲古建筑采用FRP进行修复加固等FRP加固砌体结构工程应用情况。
- A mesoscopic mechanics model for masonry structures is established based on elastic damage mechanics and the tests of masonry structures under shear-compression loading. 从砌体细观结构出发,提出了用于砌体复合剪压受力过程模拟的细观力学模型。
- The requirements for allowable stress design of masonry were retained and strength design provisions were first included in the American Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures(ACI 530-02/ASCE 5-02/TMS 402-02) in the 2002 edition. 美国《砌体结构建筑规范》(ACI 530-02/ASCE 5-02/TMS 402-02),2002年规范修订版在容许应力设计原理的基础上,首次给出了砌体结构强度设计准则规定。
- According to seismic design code, storey earthquake shear may be allotted to wall segments in the proportion of their equivalent lateral stiffness in masonry structures with rigid floors. 摘要按照抗震规范,刚性楼盖砌体房屋的层间墙段水平地震剪力可按其等效侧移刚度比例分配。
- This paper probes into the optimization of structural design for bottom bearing beam of the lower masonry structure of brick-frame construction. 摘要对砖混一框架结构下部砌体结构承重梁结构设计优化进行探讨。
- Backyard is really three Hall, the Hall-to-structure Fangmu construction, with masonry structure. 后院是三真殿,殿堂为洞式仿木构建筑,用砖石砌成。
- Foo Sing Flour Mills. Designed by Atkinson &Dallas Civil Engineering and Architects. Built in 1912. Masonry Structure. 原为福新面粉一厂厂房及仓库。通和洋行设计,砖木结构,1912年建。建筑形体简洁,立面构图整齐,清水青红砖外墙特征明显。
- Masonry structure which is one form building structure is popularly used in adopts, it applies with cheap in building. 摘要砌体结构是我国目前普遍采用的一种房屋建筑形式,它以价格低廉广泛被建筑界应用。
- For the tower masonry structure with stone tower be flat, solid tower firm, Tazuo have eight granite stone patterns. 塔为砖石结构,塔基用石条平铺,塔身坚定牢固,塔座八面均有花岗岩石刻图案。
- The masonry structure is a traditional construction type in China and still very important in residential buildings. 砌体结构作为我国传统的建筑形式,在住宅建筑中仍占有十分重要的位置。
- The aseismatic performance of multilayer brick masonry structure is poor because the basic materials and connection mode determine the brittleness nature and deformed little. 摘要多层砖混砌体房屋由于组成的基本材料和连接方式决定了其脆性性质,变形能力小,导致房屋的抗震性能较差。
- Structure design,diagnosis andd treatment of structure,test and design of strength projects,stury on the seismic behavior of masonry structure. 结构设计、结构工程诊断与处理、房屋加层、加固工程的检测与设计、砌体抗震性能研究。
- Karamay in the Xinjiang Wang Qiuguan village west of the northwest, Nanlin days Road, covers an area of 3,776 square meters, masonry structure. 新疆克拉玛依网球馆位于西北新村西侧,南邻天山路,占地面积3776平方米,砖混结构。
- Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures 砖石结构的建筑规程要求
- concrete perforated brick masonry structures 混凝土多孔砖砌体结构
- This article introduced how to control collapse distance and disorganization within collapse space limit for backout blasting construction of one masonry structure building. 本文介绍了一砖混结构楼房在控制爆破拆除施工中,倒塌受场地限制时,如何控制楼房倒塌距离和解体的一种成功控爆拆除经验。
- Mainly uses in each kind of the asbestos, the brick masonry structure, the cement mortar, concrete structure and so on outdoors wall surface decoration and the protection. 主要用于各种灰砂质、石棉、砖石结构,水泥砂浆,混凝土结构等户外墙面的装饰和保护。
- Beizuo fall on the side of the martyrs of brick above the platform, the Department of masonry structure, 8 m-high, four weeks Huaqiang, 6 block to the north steps. 烈士碑座落在砖砌方台基之上,系砖石结构,通高8米,四周花墙,北面砌有6级台阶。
- Most of its seven two-story row of arched masonry structure cave, which for the Buddha, Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha, the God of Wealth, such as the eight immortals statue hole. 它的大部分是两层共七排砖石砌成的拱形窑洞,内供如来佛、地藏王菩萨、财神、八洞神仙等塑像。