- A tapered beam element model is used to simulate the behaviour of a masonry arch bridge with loading. 采用梯形梁单元分析砖石拱桥在载荷作用下的行为。
- Seepage proof facing plate or watertight concrete layer often locates in stone masonry arch dam. 在上游面或内部偏上游处设置了混凝土防渗层的砌石拱坝为成层异弹模坝。
- Loading Test of Handaoyan Stone Masonry Arch Bridge 汉道岩石拱桥荷载试验研究
- Prevention of Radial Vertical Cracks on Masonry Arch Dams 浆砌石拱坝坝体径向竖直裂缝预防
- Analytic Study on Abutment Stability of Masonry Arch Dam 板贝拱坝坝肩稳定分析研究
- Test on Bearing Force Characteristics of an Old Masonry Arch Bridge 一座旧圬工拱桥的承载力特性试验
- Discuss about Problem of Masonry Arch Dam Using Fine-stone Concrete 关于细石混凝土砌石拱坝问题的讨论
- A Method of Strain Observation for Stone Masonry Arch Dams 浆砌块石拱坝应变观测方法的研究
- Strengthening design of cememt-rubble masonry arch dam for Xiajiankou reservoir 下涧口水库浆砌条石拱坝的除险加固
- Construction Technology for Masonry Arch Dams in Fujian and Economic Analysis 福建砌石拱坝施工技术与经济分析
- She was hit by a piece of falling masonry. 她被建筑物上落下的一块石头砸着了。
- Design of stone masonry arch dam of Yushe reservoir in Guizhou province 贵州省玉舍水库砌石拱坝设计
- Stress Calculation and Stability Analysis of Huayanjing Masonry Arch Dam 花盐井浆砌石拱坝坝体应力计算及稳定性分析
- The pillars hold up the masonry. 柱子支持着石头房屋。
- The arch has a span of 60 metres. 那个拱的跨度为60米。
- I was hurt by a piece of falling masonry. 我被掉下来的一块建筑用石块砸伤。
- The boy walks through the undecorated arch. 那男孩走过未经装饰的拱门。
- The masonry of the old building began to crumble. 旧楼房的砖石结构开始崩落。
- Program Optimization of Maintenance and Strengthening to Xiajiankou Cemented Masonry Arch Dam 下涧口砌石拱坝除险加固方案优化
- They considered him their arch opponent. 他们将他看成是主要对手。