- However, an aversively conditioned masked target can elicit an emotional response from subjects without being consciously perceived. 然而,一个设计得令人嫌恶的目标,则能够引起受试者的情绪反应,而受试者并未有意识地感知到这种反应。
- He wore a mask so that no one should recognize him. 他戴了一个面罩,使别人认不出他来。
- Sham is sham and the mask must be stripped off. 假的就是假的,伪装应当剥去。
- He tried to mask his disappointment with a smile. 他试图以微笑来掩饰他的失望。
- The torpedo homed in on its target. 鱼雷射向目标。
- The mask fitted tightly over his face. 他用面具把脸蒙得严严的。
- They did so under the mask of charity. 他们是打着慈善的幌子这么做的。
- The company has met their export target. 该公司已经实现了它们的出口目标。
- A stationary target is easiest to aim at. 静止的目标是最容易瞄准的。
- He shot an arrow, but it fell short of the target. 他射了一箭,但没有射中靶。
- He won't hit the target at that distance. 他打不中那样远的目标的。
- Shots were fired at the enemy target. 有人向敌军目标开枪。
- Such feelings tend to remain submerge beneath a mask of social politeness. 在社交礼貌的掩盖下,这样的情感往往不会显露出来。
- You missed the target by a mile/by miles. 你远未中的。
- He fired several shots (at the target). 他向目标射出了几发子弹。
- Her sociable manner is really a mask for a very shy nature. 她那好交际的作风,实际上是她腼腆天性的伪装。
- I aimed at the target but hit the wall. 我瞄准了靶射击,但却打在了墙上。
- For a moment his mask of benevolence fell and the real man was revealed. 一刹那间,他慈善的假面扔掉,露出了他的真面目。
- The movable target on a leveling rod. 视准器水准尺上可移动的目标
- A base, ungenerous wretch who under the mask of friendship has undone me. 有个卑鄙、吝啬的家伙打着友谊的幌子把我毁了。