- The LORD of hosts is mustering the army for battle. 这是万军之耶和华点齐军队,豫备打仗。
- The general marshaled his army for battle. 将军帅部作战。
- A sound of the uproar of kingdoms, Of nations gathered together!The Lord of hosts is mustering the army for battle. 有许多国的民聚集哄嚷的声音.这是万军之耶和华点齐军队、豫备打仗。
- Jehovah of hosts is mustering An army for battle. 这是万军之耶和华点齐军队,豫备打仗。
- We must equip the army for the modern war. 我们必须装备军队打现代化战争。
- She has been in the army for three years. 她参军已经三年。
- We know he has been in the army for two years. 我们知道他参军两年了。
- The insistent demands of the army for more funds. 军队需要增加军费的紧急要求。
- Hel served in the army for three years. 他服了三年的兵役。
- The captain was kicked out of the army for immoral behaviour. 上尉因行为不检点而被赶出了军队。
- Willy-nilly, every youth must serve in the army for three years. 每个年轻人,不管是否愿意,都得服三年兵役。
- The army pulled back after the battle. 部队在结束战斗以後撤走了。
- Temporary living quarters specially built by the army for soldiers. 军队里为士兵建的临时居所。
- When David reached the Israelite camp, he found the army drawn up in lines ready for battle. 当大卫到达以色列人的营地时,他发现军队排列好了正准备作战。
- Jack has been enrolled in the army for eight months. 杰克入伍八个月了。
- The army was demoralized by defeat. 军队因战败而士气消沉。
- Let me marshal the guests at the feast. 我在宴会上安排客人。
- The general arrayed his troops for battle. 将军使军队列队准备战斗。
- Liuwei joined the army when he was 15. And he had been in the army for 6 years. 刘为15岁参军,并度过了6年的军旅生涯。
- He was rueful for joining the army. 他感到后悔去参军。