- marsh gas decarburization 沼气
- Marsh gas has been supplied to the village instead of coal gas. 这个村子已经改用坑气来替代煤烧饭了。
- The effect and cost were calculated cursorily.That would decease marsh gas diffuse in air and have some advantage. 最终得出该沼气回收系统既减少了污水处理过程中沼气的二次污染,又增加了经济效益,值得推广。
- SW type desulfurizer is made from sintered dross of sulfurous ore and applied to removal of H_2S from marsh gas. 以硫酸烧渣制备SW型脱硫剂,并对其进行沼气脱硫的研究。
- Other types of biogas are called digester gas, marsh gas or even swamp gas, depending on the source of origin. 其他类型的沼气被称为沼气池气,沼气等,甚至沼泽气体,这取决于该产地来源。
- This “marsh gas” is then burned to produce electricity and to dry the remaining solids. 之后,燃烧这些“沼气”生产电能或烤干其余的固体。
- Fast-growing fuel woods should be developed in a planned way, while firewood-saving stoves, marsh gas and biogas from the stalks of crops should be widely promoted. 要有计划地种植速生薪炭林,大力推广节柴灶、沼气、秸杆气化等。
- The pipeline gas consists of methane (91.3%), ethane (5.1%) and propane (2.4%), while C2H6 and C3H8 do not exist naturally in marsh gas. 再加上气体样品中的二氧化碳随甲烷浓度增加而增加,此趋势与沼气特性相似。
- However, due to the low temperature in winter, the rate of gas production in the marsh gas tank becomes lower, even the marsh gas tanks are frosted. 但我国北方冬季气温低,导致沼气池产气率低,甚至出现冻裂池体等现象。
- Fast-growing fuel woods should be developed in a planned way,while firewood-saving stoves,marsh gas and biogas from the stalks of crops should be widely promoted. 要有计划地种植速生薪炭林,大力推广节柴灶、沼气、秸杆气化等。
- The buoyancy force caused by temperature difference and the negative pressure formed when marsh gas ejecting from the eduction pipes enables micro-oxidant airflow to flow. 由温度差引起的浮升力和沼气喷出引出管的负压为微量氧化剂气流流动的推动力。
- Be certain this treasure father burns marsh gas bavin dad burns bavin, still burn bavin to our this generation, how many farmer lives this kind of backer to take the time of hill. 看准沼气这个宝爷烧柴爹烧柴,到咱这辈还烧柴,多少农民过着这种靠山吃山的日子。
- Emphasis should be placed on support for projects of water-conserving irrigation,drinking water,production and use of marsh gas,hydroelectric power generation,rural road building,and grazing land fencing. 重点支持节水灌溉、人畜饮水、农村沼气、农村水电、乡村道路和草场围栏等设施建设。要在农业科研、技术推广、病虫害防治、信息咨询和农民培训等方面加强对农业的支持。
- Fine-sticky granules are separated from sticky and hot distillers? grains by the horizontal screw centrifuge, then it? s made into fine fodder by dried processes, Because the COD is lowered, the wastewater can be fermented to produce marsh gas. 浓稠高温的酒精糟废水通过卧式螺旋卸料沉降离心机强化分离出酒精糟中的细粘颗粒,经脱水烘干后制成饲料,出水在cod已显著降低的情况下进行厌氧发酵制取沼气。
- Through utilizing thin stillage of corn alcohol with the DDG and marsh gas,the yearly economic benefit was $8,482,500 in the alcohol factory with the production of 40,000 ton alohol per year. 采用DDG加沼气工艺综合利用玉米酒精糟液 ;年产4万吨的酒精厂年经济效益可达848.;25万元。
- Emphasis should be placed on support for projects of water-conserving irrigation, drinking water, production and use of marsh gas, hydroelectric power generation, rural road building, and grazing land fencing. 重点支持节水灌溉、人畜饮水、农村沼气、农村水电、乡村道路和草场围栏等设施建设。 要在农业科研、技术推广、病虫害防治、信息咨询和农民培训等方面加强对农业的支持。
- On April this year, the Beijing DQY marsh gas power generation project is ranked by the UN among the global large-scale marsh gas power generation technology demonstration projects. 今年4月,联合国将德青源沼气发电项目列为“全球大型沼气发电技术示范工程”。
- Based on the experiences of working in the countryside for long years, the causes of the breakdown of pulse ignitor of marsh gas stove were analyzed and the methods of elimination were put forward. 结合多年从事农村沼气工作经验,本文主要对脉冲沼气灶的点火故障进行原因分析,并提出故障排除步骤。
- The paper denotes that the marsh gas fermentation starting could be accelerated with increase gas volume(11.45%)by use large amount of residue liquid as inoculator instead of NH_4HCO_3. 研究了调节接种物用量的办法代替添加碳酸氢铵的办法加快沼气发酵启动。