- One occupies relatively dry sandy loam soils. 一个则占据较干旱的沙壤土。
- The optimum soil type was sandy loam soil, followed by clay loam, sandy soil. 覆盖的土壤类型以沙壤土最好,粘壤土次之,风沙土较差,漏沙土最差。
- Soil: Avocado trees like loose, decomposed granite or sandy loam best. 土壤:鳄梨树一样松散;风化花岗岩或砂质壤土最佳.
- The cultivar with low gluten,planted on the sandy loam all had lowest protein and starch contents. 面筋含量较低的品种在中壤条件下蛋白质含量和淀粉含量较高 ,粘壤次之 ,砂壤条件下二者含量较低 ;
- The soil is classified to tidal sandy soil, derived from river alluvium with sandy loam texture. 土壤分类为河流冲积土发育的潮汐沙土,砂壤土质地。
- The soil, a calcareous sandy loam, pH 8.4 (H_2O) was collected from Avon, South Australia. 取样土壤为灰质砂壤土;pH8.;4(H2O);位于南澳大利亚的埃文。
- The cultivar with low gluten, planted on the sandy loam all had lowest protein and starch contents. 面筋含量较低的品种在中壤条件下蛋白质含量和淀粉含量较高,粘壤次之,砂壤条件下二者含量较低;
- The sandy soil that upland lime calcium pledges earth and fluvial two sides reach alluvion, sandy loam 4 kinds big. 丘陵石灰钙质土和河流两岸及沙洲的沙土、沙壤土等四大类。
- In silking stage, the number of the 3 microorganisms were largest in loam and smallest in clay; and the 5 enzyme activities were highest in loam and lowest in sandy loam. 吐丝期,3种质地土壤玉米根际微生物数量均表现为中壤最多,重壤最少;5种酶活性均表现为中壤最大,砂壤最小。
- At maturity, the number of bacteria and actinomycete were largest in loam and smallest in clay, while the number of fungi were largest in loam and smallest in sandy loam. 成熟期,玉米根际土壤细菌与放线菌表现为中壤中数量最多,重壤最少,真菌则表现为中壤最多,砂壤最少;过氧化氢酶活性表现为重壤最高,砂壤最低,脲酶、蛋白酶、磷酸酶、转化酶表现为中壤中活性最高,砂壤最低。
- The correlations among them were analyzed. [Result] The main results were as follows: before seeding, the number of microorganisms were largest in sandy loam and smallest in clay. [结果]玉米播种前,砂壤中的微生物数量最多,重壤中最少;
- Freely of undulating hills of whole drainage area, gully, landform is broken, cliff sex is granite gneiss, soil is sandy loam more, thick, quality of a material differs grain. 整个流域山峦起伏、沟壑纵横、地形破碎,岩性为花岗片麻岩,土壤多为砂壤土,颗粒粗、质地差。
- The adaptability of violet leaf short cherry is very strong, not strict to edaphic requirement, spend good, fecund sandy loam, gently in catchment grow on clay good. 紫叶矮樱的适应性很强,对土壤要求不严格,在排水良好、肥沃的砂壤土、轻度粘土上生长良好。
- Are mostly sandy loam soil. 土壤多属沙壤土。
- The 416 D saturated optimum regressive design was adopted to evaluate the effect of mixing application of N, P, K and Si fertilizers on the dry matter and seedling quality of Cathay poplar on a sandy loam aluvium. 本文采用416D饱和最优回归设计在砂壤质冲积土设置田间试验。
- Houpi, a township of Tainan Hsien located at austral of the tropic of cancer with enough sunshine, Wusangtou dam water and deep sandy loam or loam soils, is suitable for growing rice. 摘要台南县后壁乡位于北回归线南缘,日照充足,以乌山头水库为灌溉水源,有深厚之砂页岩冲积壤土至砂质壤土,甚适合水稻栽培,为台南区农业改良场规划之良质米栽培区,农友普遍具有优良之水稻栽培技术。
- The soils (Paleudults) consist predominantly of light brown fine loamy sand to fine sandy loam changing with depth into a brown sandy clay loam and sandy clay with red mottles. 土壤(强发育湿润老成土)主要为淡棕色细壤质砂土到细砂质壤土,随着深度增加,土壤变为棕色砂质粘壤土和带有红色斑点的砂质粘土。
- In the late growing stage, the transferring rate of N, P and K followed the order of sandy loam>loam> loamy clay >clay loam. 同时施肥使得叶片和茎鞘中的氮磷钾转移率略有降低。
- Sandy loams and clays make up the average garden soil in various mixtures of these elements. 除了盐分高外,澳洲大部份的花园土壤是沙质土和粘土的混合物,土壤中磷的含量很低。
- One occupies relatively dry sandy loam soils 一个则占据较干旱的沙壤土。