- Our marketing method put us several step ahead of our main rival. 我们的销售方法得力,超过主要对手几个等级。
- Our marketing method put us several steps ahead of our main rival. 我们的销售方法得力,超过主要对手几个等级。
- Our marketing methods put us several steps ahead of our main rivals. 我们的销售方法得力,超过主要对手几个等级。
- To carry out virous marketing method, not only can promot sale, but also propagandize the enterprise brand. 将房屋销售出去,房地产开发企业既实现了资金的回笼,又为品牌创建成功提供了最佳验证。
- And so, as a marketing method, it's very good, providing the user and the receiver are aware that they're actually engagingin a relationship. 作为一种很好的营销方式,它为用户提供好处,而使接收者感觉到他们和别人有着美妙的联系。
- Our marketing methods put us several stepsahead of our main rivals. 我们的销售方法得力,超过主要对手几个等级。
- With the development of world economy and popularity of Internet, Internet Marketing has become an important marketing method for enterprises. 随着世界经济的发展,互联网络的普及,网络营销已成为企业重要的营销手段,
- The specific introduction and explaint presented by technical team of Cargosmart made more forwarders know how to dicrease cost and deveolp marketing method. 此次会议上,通过货讯通的技术支援小组详细介绍以及解释,让更多的物流及货代企业了解到在当今的金融海啸下,如何更好的减少成本以及开创新的营销手段。
- Consequently, the writer approaches the marketing method of the health protection products from the four ring joints of strategy, marketing team, distribution and advertisement tactic. 而后笔者从战略、伍、路、告策略四个环节对于保健品营销之路进行了探讨。
- Marketing through music has become a routine choice and less attractive. FAW Toyota, however, has made great innovations in this regard, recovering vitality for this marketing method. 大受企业青睐的音乐营销已经出现流于形式的危机,而一汽丰田在皇冠音乐营销上的创新,使这种营销方式焕发新的生机。
- Finally, this text respectively explain the resetting cost method、 current market method and discounted cash flaw method current used in the world at present in hotel purchasing price estimate. 最后,本文分别介绍了酒店收购价格估算方法中的重置成本法、现行市价法和目前国际上通用的收益法。
- And this is where American marketing methods have to be used to help British products compete. 竞争是激烈的,这就是为什么要用美国的营销方法来帮助英国产品参与竞争。
- We have been in the field of Auto Beauty for many years, and have plentiful marketing methods and channels. 我们做汽车美容产品多年,有丰富的营销手段和渠道。
- Pyramid promoters sometimes try to make their schemes resemble multilevel marketing methods by introducing a product line. 金字塔的发起者有时试着把他们的计划作得跟多层次直销方法很像:他们引入了产品概念。
- Next, the most overlooked approach for the first-time website owner is the maximisation of the benefit of offline marketing methods. 接下来;最被忽略的办法;首次网站所有者是最高利益离线营销方式.
- This unique marketing methods to attract many people have come to, a lot of people have Jinan see towns landscape from the air. 这种独特的促销方式吸引了许多人纷纷前来,不少济南市民有幸从空中一睹省城景观。
- Choi Fook century Mall since statement "the three banks", which touched the real killer mace [sha shou consumers is "Fanzu return" marketing methods. 彩福世纪商城自言是“三代人的钱庄”,它打动消费者的真正杀手锏,就是“返租回报”的营销方式。
- The company hopes to boost its market share. 该公司希望增加其市场份额。
- It pays more attention tomain opponents, such as Eikon manufacture group, Fillinger, and analyzes the size ofenterprises, products and marketing methods. 着重对圣象制造集团、菲林格尔等永林蓝豹地板的主要对手进行分析,分析他们的企业规模、产品情况和营销方法。
- Sales and Marketing Method for Independent Hotel 独立型酒店的营销之道