- In oneword, international marketing means transcultural operation andmarketing. 但是,关键性的因素是能否跨越文化障碍,能否在与本国文化不同的异国文化中获得成功。
- What does the Exclamation mark (!) on a player in the transfer market mean ? 转会市场的球员上有个感叹号(!),怎么回事?
- Then behavior norm, service standard, marketing means, service terminology etc.. 即行为规范、服务标准、营销手段、服务用语等。
- The valid marketing means establishing to possess singly to proceed together at the network information terrace especially, the aim is creating for the clients more. 特别是在网络信息平台创建了独有并行之有效的营销手段,旨在为客户创造更多。
- Its rich experience in the unique operation of the market means to guarantee the efficiency of information flow. 其富有经验的独到运作手段保证了市场信息的高效率流通。
- Tariff signal as market means guiding power consumption mode has indispensable role in DSM. 电价信号作为引导用电侧电力消费模式的市场化手段,在电力需求侧管理中具有不可替代的作用。
- Does good marketing mean playing safe (= avoiding risks) and staying traditional? 成功的营销就是四平八稳、沿袭传统吗?
- Through using advanced marketing means and facility, Middle and small logistics enterprise will be in advantageously position in market competition. 使用先进的营销手段,采用先进技术设备的中小物流企业将在市场竞争中处于更加有利的地位。
- And the collapse of the housing market means less money to collect in property taxes. 同时房屋市场的崩溃意味着财产税上可收入的钱更少。
- Highly targeted market means there is a very close relationship between the user's interests and the product. 高级目标市场意味着在你的产品与浏览者的兴趣之间有很非常紧密的关系。
- New money coming into the market means investors who have been holding cash investments (CDs, bonds, and so on) are jumping into equities. 新的资金进入股市说明了原先的现金持有者(存款,债券等等)开始进入了资金市场。
- In reality, a fast-changing market means a trader can see his profits wiped out in seconds and his position quickly plunge into the loss-making zone. 实际上,变化莫测的市场意味着交易员可能眼看着的他的利润在数秒之内消失,有力位置迅速陷入没有利益的地带。
- Therefore, for China's domestic market means that chance, jonit utilize the domestic market, rescue of medium-sized enterprises. 因此,对于中国国内市场来说,意味着有更大机会,通过国扩大内需盘活国内市场,拯救面临困境的中小企业。
- From the evaluation of some relative viewpoints of Coase and Pigou, we can define the market means in the field of environmental protection in a broad sense. 从评价科斯和庇古的有关观点出发,可以广义地定义环保领域的市场手段。
- GM's strength in these markets means that even if Toyota does turn out to have outsold GM in 2007, it might not retain that top position this year. 通用汽车的优势意味着,即使丰田汽车2007年的总销量超过了通用,但今年也未必能巩固住这一地位。
- The dynamism and resilience of emerging markets mean that America does not matter as much as it once did. 多亏新兴市场的活力强劲,美国的这次危机不会像以前那样波及广泛。
- In addition, the leverage function of trading markets means that any changes in your investment capital will be affected accordingly. 此外,交易的杠杆功能意味著一旦市场有任何变动,您的投资资本将受到相应的影响。
- The company hopes to boost its market share. 该公司希望增加其市场份额。
- The auto after sales market means the repair and maintenance of the auto parts and services after the sales of the car, mainly relating to the auto parts manufacturer, distributor and the repair service companies. 汽车售后服务市场指的是,汽车在售出之后维修和保养所使用的零配件和服务,主要涉及包括汽车零配件的制造商、销售商和修理服务商在内的三大类企业。
- Market dull and slacken no business report. 市场萧条胩衰退,没有有关交易的报道。