- We consider that the success of China's industry reform is not the retrieval of SOEs, but the grow up of market oriented Non-SOEs. 中国工业改革的成就不是挽救了国有企业,而是收缩了国有企业部门的“战线”,诱致了一个非国有的新兴工业部门的崛起。
- And I believe CNN will consider about it if large bulks of audience requested so, because CNN is a market oriented media, they only care what the audience said. 而我相信如果大量的观众如此要求,CNN会考虑这个提议,因为CNN是一个市场化的媒体,它只关心观众怎么说。
- Pursuing "customer focused, market oriented, competitive &innovated, quailty first", we are sincere to invite you entering long-term and stable cooperation. 奉行"以顾客为中心、以市场为导向、竞争创新、质量为本"的宗旨;竭诚与您长期、稳定的合作.
- KK Yeung Management Consultants Limited is a Hong Kong-based management consultancy company established in 1983 to meet the emerging need for high quality and locally oriented management expertise. 杨国琦管理顾问有限公司是一间成立于1983年的本地管理顾问公司,专门为客户提供高水准的管理顾问服务。
- Laying out the curriculum and setting up the syllabus scientifically and rationally with the market oriented is the key to cultivating the core competitiveness of higher vocational education. 摘要以市场为导向,科学合理地设置课程及建设课程体系,关乎高职院校核心竞争力的培养。
- Market orientation needs to pervade the whole organisation from top to bottom and this has many implications for directors, line management and recruitment and training programmes. 市场导向需要从上到下遍及到整个组织,这对领导者、一线管理人员就有很多的要求,对人员招聘以及培训也有要求。
- Product Data Oriented Management CAPP System 面向产品数据的管理型CAPP系统
- group--oriented management pattern 集团化管理模式
- oriented management information systems 定向管理信息系统
- The main problem for industrialization lies in the products and market orientation. 工业化应用面临的主要问题是产品和市场定位问题。
- people- oriented management theory 人本管理理论
- encouragement- oriented management 激励管理
- Research of Chinese TV Program Market Oriented 中国电视节目市场化研究
- Guest and our country luxurious guest main fact beyond market orientation of hotel. 宾馆的市场定位是以外宾以及国内豪华客人为主。
- Cost management of each item is the systematic project, so the achievement and good effects can be obtained as long as it depends on the advanced systems as well as entirely oriented managements. 项目目标成本管理是一项系统工程,只有依靠先进的体制和机制,实行全员、全方位和全过程的管理,才能真正取得成效。
- There are three parts of market orientations: information gathering, sharing and reacting. 市场导向由信息收集、分享与反应行为三部分构成。
- In the market, I breathed the smells of the Orient. 在集市上,我闻到了东方的气息。
- Media credibility is positively related to the degree of its market orientation and negatively related to partisanship. 香港媒介的可信度与其专业程度成正比,与其党派认同或挂钩的程度成反比。
- Its multi-brand operating faces the trial of brands overlap and unfixed market orientation. 科龙的多品牌运作面临品牌重叠,定位不清的考验。
- This paper put forward the principle of the partition planning and the method of the storage and establishes a new stock orientation management pattern. 论文提出仓库储区规划和货品储放的原则和方法,建立了新的仓库货位管理模型,对储位进行优化设计;