- Q: Do you do any preparation for future outbound market opening up? 问:途易中国是否在为将来出境游市场的开放做些准备?
- Do you do any preparation for future outbound market opening up? 途易中国是否在为将来出境游市场的开放做些准备?
- "This is tantamount to a market open to the signal sent to. 这等于是向市场公开发出了求地的信号。
- Evening, a each one tent one after another platoon in night market open area. 晚上,一个个帐篷陆陆续续的排在夜市空地上。
- Along with China market opening, also enables " guanxi " to become scholars to be interested the research subject. 随着中国大陆市场的开放,也使得“关系”成为一个学者们感兴趣的研究主题。
- They must be accompanied by significant market access, market opening in agriculture and in NAMA. 与之伴随的必须是有意义的市场准入,这包括农业和非农产品的市场准入。”
- So, says Prof De Meyer, there is a market opening up for a post-experience degree programme for career changers. “我们与许多美国商学院还有很大差距,”他表示,并认为这种对校友关系的关注在欧洲将继续上升。
- When the transfer market opens, I cannot exclude any eventuality. 但是当转会市场的大门开启后,我不能排除一切的可能。
- Have explicit game plans in place before the market opens. 在市场开盘之前有一套明晰的交易计划。
- To openly commit murder or wage war invites the pretense of justice, and penalties exacted in the name of drow justice are merciless. 公开的谋杀和掀起战争将会引来虚伪正义的介入;黑暗精灵所施行的惩罚和他们的个性一样毫不留情。
- Simultaneously, international financial crisis caused by security market opening fleetly happened from time to time. 同时,国际上由于过快开放证券市场而引发的金融危机时有发生。
- As 1992 of grain market open, commissariat gets resumptive stage by stage as the true colors of commodity. 随着1992年粮食市场的开放,粮食作为商品的本来面目逐步得到恢复。
- Telecommunication market open can provide international telecommunication enterprises' deployment globalization with an powerful passport. 电信市场开放从某种程度上说是为跨国电信企业市场运营国际化战略提供了通行证。
- The carry over is the open commitment at the end of the previous financial year. 上一财政年度末,我们做出了留存的公开承诺。
- Fierce competition is unavoidable as the Chinese market opens further. 随着中国市场的进一步开放,激烈的竞争不可避免。
- The 62nd Cannes International Film Festival market opened on the 13th joyfully. 第62届戛纳国际电影节电影市场13日热闹开市。
- But in the afternoon after the market opened sharply up on, Zhu Bo higher. 但下午开盘后大盘就急转向上,逐波走高。
- And we agreed to keep our markets open and firmly reject protectionism. 而且我们同意保持我们的市场开放并坚决抵制保护主义。
- With the local stock market open, and a number of private institutions Foresight may become China's first local hedge funds were the fruit taste. 随着本土证券市场的开放,一些先觉的私募机构可能成为中国本土对冲基金首啖鲜果者。
- Mainland market opening measures after WTO accession are restricted to the distribution of publications. The publishing and importation of publications in China is still off-limit to foreign companies. 内地入世后的市场开放措施仅限于出版物的发行,仍不允许外商出版及进口出版物。