- The unexpected news denuded of all his self respect. 这出乎意料的消息使他完全丧失了自尊心。
- He is of humble origins, but has a high level of self respect and support. 他出身寒微,但自立自强。
- Greece must have a system if it is to become a self supporting and self respecting democracy. 要想成为一个自立、自尊的民主国家,希腊必须有一个健全的体制。
- Increased health, better sexual relationships, more self esteem and self respect? Where does it move to? 更健康,更好的两性关系,更自尊自爱?它带你去哪里?
- We can know that we are worthy people. We will have self respect, self esteem, because we know God made us. 我们能知道我们是有价值的,我们能自尊自重,因为我们知道神创造我们。
- You can and should encourage children to have both self respect and respect for their neighbors. 你可以也应该鼓励孩子们既要尊重自己又要尊重邻居。
- With the constructiveness of maternity, Rosamund satisfies her need for maternal love and self respect. 经过母爱的洗礼,罗丝蒙德不仅满足了自己母性的需要,而且也满足了对自尊的需要。
- The person with self respect, self control that owns compulsions that actually move him forward in life rather than getting him stuck. 这个人有自爱,有自制力,这使他在生命中不断前进,而不会受阻碍,被绊倒。
- Greer cites three reasons: “To earn a decent living for yourself and your loved ones,” self respect and desire for success. 格里尔提出了3个理由:“为你和你所爱的人赢得体面的生活”、自尊以及对成功的渴望。
- C1early no such device as this can give us in this country any self respecting agreement between majority and minority for a concerted effort toward the national welfare. 显然,在我们这样的国家,这样做不是真正的一致,而是虚幻的一致,不可能就国家安定在多数党和少数党之间达成体现各自意见的共识。
- The company hopes to boost its market share. 该公司希望增加其市场份额。
- By: Burk Pendergrass | - Where should any self respecting Blog or article whether by remote computer repair, remote helpdesk, outsourced pc repair, online computer repair, or computer man start? 标签:希拉里克林顿,梅厄,撒切尔夫人,贝布托,康多莉扎赖斯,凯瑟琳威莉,“提示”奥尼尔,约翰肯尼迪,电脑的人
- Market dull and slacken no business report. 市场萧条胩衰退,没有有关交易的报道。
- trying to maintain dignity and self respect despite shabbiness. 尽管衣衫褴褛但仍尽力保持尊严和自尊。
- The pigs fetched a good price at the market. 那些猪在市场上卖了好价钱。
- Oil stocks bottomed out in the market. 石油的股票行市停泻回升。
- The stock market trod water these days. 股市这几天停滞不前。
- trying to maintain dignity and self respect despite shabbiness . 尽管衣衫褴褛但仍尽力保持尊严和自尊。
- Can you explore the market possibility for us? 您能为我们考察一下市场前景吗?
- The market offer optimum condition for sale. 市场为销售提供了最佳条件。