- Linn, Switzer. The Market for Corporate Control and the Agency Paradigm[J].European Finance Review, 2001(3). 冯根福,吴林江.我国上市公司并购绩效的实证研究[J].经济研究,2001(1)
- Market for corporate control has been regarded as an effective mechanism for disciplining managers (Jensen, 1988). 公司控制权市场向来被认为是控制管理人的有效机制。
- Senior executives are insulated from the disciplining reach of the market for corporate control. 毒丸计划的特点是毒丸证券能够被目标董事会花很小的代价收购.
- Linn,Switzer.The Market for Corporate Control and the Agency Paradigm[J].European Finance Review,2001(3). 冯根福;吴林江.;我国上市公司并购绩效的实证研究[J]
- Manne,H.Mergers and The Market for Corporate Control [J].Journal of Political Economy,1965(75). 徐晓东;陈小悦.;第一大股东对公司治理、企业业绩的影响分析[J]
- Manne 1965,Mergers and the Market for Corporate Control,journal of Political Economy 73. 威斯通。兼并、重组与公司控制[M].;北京:经济科学出版社,1998
- This is a rent-seeking behavior in the market for corporate control induced by the government's monopolistic control over financial resources. 在公司控制权市场来说,这是由政府垄断控制资本资源导致的寻租行为。
- Mergers,acquisitions,takeovers and buyout s are the most visible manifestations of the workings of the markets for corporate control. 兼并、收购、接管(敌意收购)和买断,是公司控制权市场常见的几种表现形式。
- The Way to Decrease the Proportion of State- Owned Shares - A View Based on the Market for Corporate Control 国有股减持的路径:一种基于公司控制权市场的观点
- 3.Senior executives are insulated from the disciplining reach of the market for corporate control. 毒丸计划的特点是毒丸证券能够被目标董事会花很小的代价收购.
- market for corporate control 公司控制权市场
- It was a seller's market for cars in 1970. 1970年是汽车的卖方市场。
- I'm not in the market for a big, expensive car. 我无意购买大型高价汽车。
- I am in the market for a new car. 我想买辆新车。
- Manne and Henry:Mergers and the Marcket for Corporation Control[J].Journal of Political Economy,1965(73). 中国注册会计师协会:财务成本管理[M].;北京:经济科学出版社,2005
- There's no market for these goods. 这些货物没有销路。
- Manne and Henry:Mergers and the Marcket for Corporation Control[J].Journal of Political Economy,1965(73). 中国注册会计师协会:财务成本管理[M].;北京:经济科学出版社,2005
- The radios producers could not find a market for them. 这些收音机制造厂的产品打不开销路。
- Works with VPN software for corporate security. 工程与VPN的企业安全软件。
- The producers of the radios could not find a market for them. 这些收音机制造厂产品打不开销路。