- The multiple market approach implies a high degree of decentralization. 多元市场方法意味着高度集中。
- Bottom line: A market approach to national defense would give us a lousy national defense. 结论:市场化的举措给我们带来的将是一个糟糕的国防体系。
- It will offer a different value proposition from Schneider Electric with a distinct market approach. 这将在施耐德电气卓越的市场拓展模式之外,提供一个不同的盈利方式。”
- Th e present accounting methods for ecosystem service include market value approach, surrogate market approach, and hypothetical market approach. 目前已有的生态系统服务核算方法可以分为市场价值法、代市场法和假想市场法。
- Allocation by auction, to the highest bidder, a more traditional free market approach, would also undermine state control. 通过拍卖,分配给出价最高者,这种更加传统的自由市场方式,也会破坏州控制。
- We will be sticking to the free market approach that has brought us prosperity in the past and aiming to improve the competitiveness of our business environment. 我们会坚守过往为香港带来繁荣的自由市场原则,并会致力提高营商环境的竞争力。
- Th e present accounting methods for ecosystem service include market value approach ,surrogate market approach,and hypothetical market approach. 目前已有的生态系统服务核算方法可以分为市场价值法、替代市场法和假想市场法。
- The evaluation on the value of the maritime culture resources can be done making use of market approach, surrogate market approach and simulation market approach. 对海洋文化资源的价值评价,可以通过市场价值法、替代性市场法和虚拟市场法来完成。
- The third test will be whether the Dell brand and marketing approach can be adapted to suit the new market. 第三大考验就是戴尔的品牌和市场营销方式是否能适应这个新的市场。
- In this thesis I will use the market approach known as AIDA to look at how picture book publishers in Taiwan coped with the problem of how to sell picture books in the absence of picture book culture. 中文摘要在此论文中,我将以著名的AIDA行销学理论来看台湾的图画书出版商如何在没有阅读图画书文化的情况下行销图画书。
- The default, brought by the division between subjective judgment or professional appraising on the price of each apartment and market acceptance, could be remedied by a market approach. 引入市场竞价方式,弥补了传统的单靠开发商专业判断(估价)定价模式所带来的可能与市场脱节的缺陷,使住宅分套定价更科学合理。
- Traffic issue is unit and individual everyday the issue that place must consider, this is a broad market, the car company that rent also followed market approach because of unplugging and hot rise. 交通问题是单位和个人每天所不得不考虑的问题,这是一个广阔的市场,汽车租赁公司也因拔准了市场路子而火爆起来。
- It has been suggested that the resistance to the marketing approach has been greater in the UK banking system than in the USA. 人们一般认为英国银行系统对市场营销的排斥性比美国更强。
- In such markets, the TNC’s product formulation and its marketing approach may require only modest adaptation. 在这些市场中,跨国公司的产品规格和市场营销策略只需进行一些适当的调整。
- Advertisers are turning to this kind of ironic, indirect marketing approach because they are running scared. 广告商正转向这类反讽、间接的营销手段,因为它们已变得战战兢兢。
- The company hopes to boost its market share. 该公司希望增加其市场份额。
- Market dull and slacken no business report. 市场萧条胩衰退,没有有关交易的报道。
- People in the industry predict that this new marketing approach will ever draw must reach a certain customary manner shopping lines pose a significant threat. 有业内人士预言,这种新的促销方式将对以往抽奖者必须达到一定购物额度的惯用方式带来很大的冲击。
- The pigs fetched a good price at the market. 那些猪在市场上卖了好价钱。
- Oil stocks bottomed out in the market. 石油的股票行市停泻回升。