- "Claimant" means a person who alleges that a maritime claim existsin his favour. “请求人”系指提出存在对其有利的海事请求的人。
- A maritime claimant may apply to arrest the goods on board for ensuring the fulfillment of his maritime claim. 第四十四条海事请求人为保障其海事请求的实现,可以申请扣押船载货物。
- There is the big, lolling tongue of its maritime claim in the South China Sea, which unnerves its South-East Asian neighbours. 在南中国海,中国宣称自己拥有海洋主权,其豪壮而又不谨慎的言辞让东南亚的邻国深感不安。
- "Arrest" means the detention of a ship by judicial process tosecure a maritime claim, but does not include the seizure of a ship inexecution or satisfaction of a judgment. “扣押”系指通过司法程序滞留船舶,以保全海事请求,但不包括执行或满足某项判决中船舶的扣留。
- Maritime evidence preservation shall not be restrained by a jurisdiction agreement or an arbitration agreement relating to the maritime claim as agreed upon between the parties. 第六十四条海事证据保全不受当事人之间关于该海事请求的诉讼管辖协议或者仲裁协议的约束。
- Maritime guarantee includes guarantee involved in procedures provided in this Law such as maritime claim preservation, maritime injunction, maritime evidence preservation. 第七十三条海事担保包括本法规定的海事请求保全、海事强制令、海事证据保全等程序中所涉及的担保。
- The application shall clearly set forth the evidence to be preserved on application, the relation between the evidence and the maritime claim and causes for application. 申请书应当载明请求保全的证据、该证据与海事请求的联系、申请理由。
- A maritime injunction shall not be restrained by a jurisdiction agreement or an arbitration agreement relating to the maritime claim as agreed upon between the parties. 第五十三条海事强制令不受当事人之间关于该海事请求的诉讼管辖协议或者仲裁协议的约束。
- Article62 Maritime evidence preservation means any of compulsory measures by which a maritime court obtains, retains or seals up evidence related to the maritime claim on application by the maritime claimant. 第六十二条海事证据保全是指海事法院根据海事请求人的申请,对有关海事请求的证据予以提取、存或者封存的强制措施。
- Maritime evidence preservation means any of compulsory measures by which a maritime court obtains, retains or seals up evidence related to the maritime claim on application by the maritime claimant. 第六十二条海事证据保全是指海事法院根据海事请求人的申请,对有关海事请求的证据予以提取、保存或者封存的强制措施。
- Legal System of Security of Maritime Claim 海事请求保全法律制度
- Where maritime claimants apply for maritime claims, written applications shall be filed with maritime courts. 第十五条海事请求人申请海事请求保全,应当向海事法院提交书面申请。
- Preferential right top maritime claim 海事优先请求权
- The claimant has a specific maritime claim; (一)请求人有具体的海事请求;
- The remnant after repaying the debt shall be returned to the original shipowner or the person constituting the limitation fund for maritime claims. 清偿债务后的余款,应当退还船舶原所有人或者海事赔偿责任限制基金设立人。
- The law of the place where the court hearing the case is located shall apply to the limitation of liability for maritime claims. 第二百七十五条海事赔偿责任限制,适用受理案件的法院所在地法律。
- When applying to constitute a limitation fund for maritime claims liability, the applicant shall submit a written application. 第一百零四条申请人向海事法院申请设立海事赔偿责任限制基金,应当提交书面申请。
- In constituting a limitation fund for maritime claims liability, the applicant may provide cash, or provide guaranty approved by the maritime court. 设立海事赔偿责任限制基金可以提供现金,也可以提供经海事法院认可的担保。
- The scope of arrestable ships refers to the scope of ships that can be arrested as the objects of preservation of maritime claims. 可扣押船舶的范围,是指可以作为海事请求保全对象而加以扣押的船舶的范围。
- He submitted a claim to the insurer. 他向保险公司提出索赔。