- We have cooperated with WWF in different marine protection projects to promote and educate both our staff and the public to care for our environment. 我们与该会曾合作进行多个性质不同的海洋保护项目,向本公司职员和市民推广环保意识,并教育他们如何保护环境。
- Marine Protected Areas in the Eastern African Region: How Successful Are They? 东非地区的海洋保护区:它们取得了多大的成功?
- Recreational Scuba Diving in Caribbean Marine Protected Areas: Do the Users Pay? 加勒比海海洋保护区的娱乐性水下呼吸器潜水活动:使用者支付费用吗?
- Marine protected areas (MPAs) serve many different purposes and are established for a variety of reasons. 海洋保护区(MPA)是为了保护海洋环境、海洋资源或者海洋生物等的特定目地而建立的特殊区域。
- Marine protected areas greatly boost both coral recovery and the abundance of coral reef fish. 海洋保护区不仅极大地推进了珊瑚的恢复,还大大增加了珊瑚礁鱼类的丰富度。
- Ocean marine protection and indemnity insurance 海上运输保赔保险
- People And Reefs: Successes And Challenges In The Management Of Coral Reef Marine Protected Areas - Unep Regional Seas Reports And Studies No. 人与暗礁:珊瑚礁海洋保护区管理的成功与挑战。
- Effective marine protected areas and good fishing management ensures fish for our grandchildrens grandchildren and beyond, he said. 他续称:高效益的海洋保育区以及良好的渔业管理,将能够确保我们世世代代仍有鱼类观赏及食用。
- Weible, C.M., &Sabatier, P.A. (2005).Comparing policy network: Marine protected areas in california.The Policy Studies Journal, 33(2), 181-201. 作者介绍:朱亚鹏(1973-),中山大学政务学院(行政管理研究中心)讲师,2005年获得香港城市大学社会与公共行政学系公共政策博士。
- Is for anchor If you are out sailing in a marine protected area, make sure you anchor in a designated place, to avoid damaging the corals on the seabed. 代表anchor,即抛锚停泊若你在海岸保护区内驾驶船只,请在指定位置下锚,避免破坏海床上的珊瑚。
- Establishment of marine protected areas (MPA) based on the biodiversity conservation is the most effective and parsimonious method to conserve the marine diversity in Taiwan. 以生物多样性保育为主轴海洋保护区的划设,为目前最为简单有效、花费最少的资源保育方式。
- In recent years, Marine Protected Areas have been set up along the Great Barrier Reef in order to provide sanctuaries where fish and other marine creatures can grow and develop. 近年来,大堡礁的四周已设置了好几个海洋保护区,为的就是提供鱼类及其它的海洋生物一个得以生长及发展的环境。
- She subscribes to an animal protection society. 她捐款给一个动物保护协会。
- At present 59 marine protected areas,covering gulfs,islands,estuaries,coasts,coral reefs,mangrove swamps,coastal lagoons,marine natural history sites,seaweed beds and wetlands,have been built,covering a total area of 12,900 sq km. 目前,已建立各种类型海洋自然保护区59个,总面积1.;29万平方公里,其中包括海湾保护区、海岛保护区、河口海岸保护区、珊瑚礁保护区、红树林保护区、海岸泻湖保护区、海洋自然历史遗址保护区、海草床保护区和湿地保护区等。
- We subscribe to an animal protection society. 我们定期捐款给一个动物保护基金会。
- At present 59 marine protected areas, covering gulfs, islands, estuaries, coasts, coral reefs, mangrove swamps, coastal lagoons, marine natural history sites, seaweed beds and wetlands, have been built, covering a total area of 12,900 sq km. 目前,已经建立各种类型海洋保护区59个,总面积1.;29万平方公里,其中包括海湾保护区、海岛保护区、河口海岸保护区、珊瑚礁保护区、红树林保护区、海岸泄湖保护区、海洋自然历史遗址保护区、海草床保护区和湿地保护
- The young in our society need careand protection. 我们社会的年轻人需要受到关怀和爱护。
- To bring knowledge of our oceans to a wide audience and galvanize support in favor of marine protected areas.We invite a variety of responses from TEDsters in pursuit of this goal. 为了提供大众关于海洋的知识,并强化对于海洋保护区的支持,我们邀请大家一起回应并参与!
- Marine plants grow on the sea bed. 海生植物长在海底。
- He was paying out half his profits as protection. 他把所得利润的一半交给歹徒作为保护费。