- marine primary productivity 海洋初级生产力
- Management is the Primary Productivity. 管理是第一生产力。
- What are your primary product lines? 您公司的主要产品是什么?
- What is your primary product of interest? 您最感兴趣的产品是什么?
- Marine fish constitute one of Hong Kong's most important primary products. 海鱼是本港最主要的原产品之一。
- The primary productivity was 2 65kg per acreage year in the lake. 初级生产力为 2 65Kg鱼 /亩·年。
- The demand for primary products is on the increase in European market. 欧洲市场对初级产品的需求在增长。
- We must emancipate the primary productive forces. 我们必须解放第一生产力。
- Biomass and net primary productivity of above-ground parts of artificial Hippophae rhamnoides L. 安塞人工沙棘林地上部生物量和净初级生产量。
- Science and technology constitute the primary productive force. 科技是第一生产力
- Control the total output of mineral primary products. 控制矿产品等初级加工产品生产总量。
- Extractive production Another term for primary production. 可提取产品:初级产品的另一种说法。
- Net primary productivity(NPP) estimation is one of important study fields of global change and terrestrial ecosystems. 植被净初级生产力(NPP)的研究是全球变化与陆地生态系统的核心内容之一。
- Science and technology constitute a primary productive force. 科技是第一生产力
- Science and technology are the primary productive forces. 科学技术是第一生产力。
- Fresh fish constitute one of Hong Kong's most important primary products. 鲜鱼是香港最主要的原产品之一。
- Surveys on the Fujian Coastal Zone: Geology-geomrphlogy, Hydrology, Envi- romental Protection, Chemisty, plank- ton, Benthos, Primary Productivity. 福建省海岸带地质地貌、水文、水化、环保、浮游生物、底栖生物、生产力调查。
- When demixing, the deposit located at the phase interface was CALB primary product. 离心后再向上清液中加入硫酸铵至饱和度75%25,分相后,相界面处沉淀即为脂肪酶粗品。
- Antarctic ice microalgae are one of main producer of primary production in marine ecology system of Antarctic pole region, they take up important status and play important role in Antarctic ecology system. 研究已证实,UV-B对藻类有明显的伤害作用,其损伤的主要目标是蛋白质、DNA和光合色素等:同时,藻类对UV-B也有一定的适应能力,尤其是南极冰藻生存于南极臭氧空洞下强紫外线辐射的环境中,抗紫外线辐射能力很强。
- Biomass and primary productivity of dominant species Aporosa yunnanensis and Blastus cochinchinensis of forest vegetation on Dinghu Mountain. 鼎湖山森林植被优势种云南银柴和柏拉木的生物量及第一性生产力研究