- Water-skiing in a marine park and marine reserve. 在海岸公园及海岸保护区内滑水。
- Euro marine park fee payable on boat. 欧元的公园门票另行交付。
- The locality at Lai Chi Wo is within Marine Park under protection. 荔枝窝的生长地点位于海岸公园内,因而受到保护。
- About 30 miles south of Miami, Florida, lies Biscayne National Park, the largest national marine park in the U.S. 比斯坎国家公园位于佛罗里达州迈阿密以南约三十英里处,是全美最大的海洋国家公园。
- Should Fishing in Marine Parks be Banned? 应否在海岸公园范围内全面禁止捕鱼?
- Furthermore, a similar picture has emerged at the Tung Ping Chau Marine Park Mirs Bay, established in 2000. 此外,2000年于大鹏湾内成立的东坪洲海岸公园亦出现同类情况。
- In Hong Kong, the locality of its occurrence at Lai Chi Wo is in Marine Park under protection. 在香港,其荔枝窝的生长地点位于海岸公园内,已受到保护。
- Just outside Holguin he visits a marine park where he swims with the dolphins - an awesome experience. 外面居然他参观海洋公园,在那里,他的游泳与海豚-一个令人震憾的经验。
- Ein Buckelwal zeigt im Hervey Bay Marine Park bei Brisbane in Australien seine Schwanzflosse. 一只座头鲸在澳洲布里斯班的赫维湾海洋公园展示它的尾鳍。
- To investigate the water quality near the mangrove stand in Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park. 调查海下湾海岸公园红树林群落邻近位置的水质。
- Earthworks and dredging works wholly in an existing marine park and a site of special scientific interest. 土木工事及挖泥工程,而此等项目全部位于现有的海岸公园和具有特别科学价值的地点。
- Kingibe marine park has a color cabins, the beach, the coast is the ideal resort. 吉贝海上乐园建有彩色小木屋、海水浴场,是理想的海岸渡假胜地。
- You may win a Glass-Bottomed Boat Trip to visit the underwater coral community at the Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park! 你更有机会赢取玻璃底船之旅,亲身观赏海下湾海岸公园的海底珊瑚群落。
- A half-day field study will help participants to understand the dynamics of inter-tidal environment at Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park. 半天的考察活动协助参加者了解海下湾海岸公园多变的潮间带环境。
- Tung Ping Chau Marine Park differs from Hoi Ha Wan as it has two small core areas within the park where all fishing is banned. 由于东坪洲海岸公园禁止于园内两个核心区捕鱼,故情况与海下湾相异。
- Wildlife groups want the government in Canberra to give it full environmental protection and create what would be the world's largest marine park. 野生动物组织要求澳大利亚政府对珊瑚海进行全面的保护,并建立一个可能是世界上最大的海洋公园。
- The Agriculture and Fisheries Department manages the country and marine parks. 郊野公园及海岸公园均由渔农处负责管理。
- The sea off South Lamma has also been proposed to become a potential marine park for long-term protection. However, no solid timeframe about such a designation has been mentioned. 为长远保护海,有建议把南丫岛南面对开的海域划为海岸公园,但当局尚未落实确实的执行时间。
- Unregulated recreational fishing may pose threats to the valuable marine ecosystem and thus undermine the effectiveness of marine park in marine conservation. 此举不但威胁该处珍贵的海洋生态,亦削弱了海岸公园保护海洋生态的实际效用。
- The children are playing on the swings in the park. 孩子们在公园里荡秋千。