- Medusae play an important role in marine ecosystem. 水母类是海洋生态系统中非常重要的一个类群。
- The circulation adds energy to the marine ecosystems and moves nutrients around. 这种循环使海洋生态系统增加了能量,从而使营养物质向四周移动。
- With the development of the society, terrestrial and marine ecosystems are destroyed seriously. 随着社会的发展,陆地和海洋生态系统受到严重破坏。
- Many marine ecosystems don't fare well with rubber tires, paint cans, and disinfectants planted on the seabeds. 许多海洋生态系统在橡胶轮胎、油漆罐和沉积于海底的消毒剂这类 垃圾的影响下难以为继。
- Some typical marine ecosystems, including coastal wetlands, mangroves and coral reefs, will be further damaged. 滨海湿地、红树林和珊瑚礁等典型生态系统损害程度将加大。
- The study therefore also provides insights into the vital role of sea urchins in many marine ecosystems. 这项研究同时显示了海胆在很多海洋生态中所扮演的至关重要的角色。
- Students are able to learn the importance of marine ecosystems and the challenges they face, through a series of activities. 学生亦可透过连串活动了解海洋生态的重要价值以及面对的挑战。
- Irreplaceable marine ecosystems will be destroyed unless we learn to develop environmentally sound aquaculture and slow the man-made acidification of the oceans. 如果我们不学著发展对环境无害的水产养殖,并减缓人类对海洋酸化的影响,无可取代的海洋生态系将会毁灭。
- Nixon S W.Remineralization and nutrient cycling in coastal marine ecosystems[A].Esturies and Nutrients[C].New Jersy: Humana Press Clifton. 643. 孙云明;宋金明.;中国浅海沉积物在生源要素循环中的功能[J]
- Bloom A sudden growth of microorganisms in a freshwater or marine ecosystem, often known as an algal bloom. 水华:淡水或海洋生态系统中微生物迅速增长的现象,例如藻类造成的水华。
- No one knows how a sharp decrease in pteropod numbers will affect other parts of the marine ecosystem. 目前没有人知道翼足类数量剧减将如何影响其他的海洋生态系。
- Unless commercial fishing was reduced, many large marine species would extinct, leading to economic disruptions, food shortages, and lasting damage to marine ecosystems. 除非减少商业性捕鱼活动,否则许多大的海洋物种将灭绝,且导致经济紊乱、食物短缺和对海洋生态系统的持续破坏。
- UNDP/GEF Yellow Sea Project," Governance Analysis of Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Project", Leader, 2006, Feb.-Aug. 联合国发展项目/全球环境基金黄海项目“黄海大海洋生态系统管理分析”主持人,2006年2月-8月。
- UNDP/GEF Yellow Sea Project,” Governance Analysis of Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Project”, Leader, 2006, Feb.-Aug. 联合国发展项目/全球环境基金黄海项目“黄海大海洋生态系统管理分析”主持人,2006年2月-8月。
- The marine phytoplankton virus plays an important role in the marine ecosystem, expecially in the process of red tide disintegration. 海洋浮游植物病毒在海洋生态系统中,特别是在赤潮的消亡过程中起了很重要的作用。
- Unregulated recreational fishing may pose threats to the valuable marine ecosystem and thus undermine the effectiveness of marine park in marine conservation. 此举不但威胁该处珍贵的海洋生态,亦削弱了海岸公园保护海洋生态的实际效用。
- The important role of marine bacterioplankton in the marine ecosystem is certainly definite with the thorough study of bacterioplankton biomass and production. 摘要海洋浮游细菌在海洋生态系统中的重要作用随着对其生物量和生产力的深入研究而得到了充分肯定。
- The method of systematic dynamics can be used to understand the marine ecosystem, since the marine ecosystem is exoterically, dissipatedly and nonlinearly. 摘要海洋生态系统具有开放性、耗散性和非线性等特点,可以借助于系统动力学方法对其研究。
- In this paper, the kind, diversity and abundance distribution of marine phytoplankton viruses and their main roles in marine ecosystem and research status are introduced. 介绍了海洋浮游植物病毒的种类、多样性和丰度分布及其在海洋生态系统中的主要作用和研究现状。
- Reefs play an invaluable role in the marine ecosystem, harboring hundreds of species of marine life that rely on them for food, shelter, and protection. 意译:水下风景图片美术馆。暗礁扮演一个无价的角色在海洋生态系统,怀著对许许多多的海洋生物的物种依靠它们给食物,庇护所,和保护。