- The marching band refused to yield! 乐队拒绝让步!
- At Penn State, the marching band could play. 在佩恩州游行乐队将进行演出。
- It combined elements of Ragtime, marching band music and Blues. 它包含了早期的带有很多切分音的黑人音乐,进行曲音乐和布鲁斯音乐。
- The musician arranged the symphony so it could be performed without violins by a marching band . 这位作曲家改写了这个交响曲,以使其能不用小提琴由管乐队演奏。
- Patrick Henry plays the trumpet in the University of Louisville marching band from his wheelchair. 帕特里克亨利坐在他的轮椅上为路易斯维尔大学的行进乐队吹小号。
- A small, high-pitched, transverse flute used primarily to accompany drums in a military or marching band. 横笛一支小的高音度横笛,主要用于军乐队中为军鼓伴奏
- A small,high-pitched,transverse flute used primarily to accompany drums in a military or marching band. 横笛一支小的高音度横笛,主要用于军乐队中为军鼓伴奏
- The musician arranged the symphony so it could be performed without violins by a marching band. 这位作曲家改写了这个交响曲,以使其能不用小提琴由管乐队演奏。
- His body was greeted by the University of Michigan marching band, Ford's alma mater. 福特的母校,密歇根大学的仪仗队对他的遗体举行了致敬仪式.
- He played saxophone in the Dillon High School marching band and graduated at the top of his class in 1971. 他曾在狄龙中学的军乐队里吹萨克斯,1971年以全班第一的成绩毕业。
- It is a mall high-pitched flute similar to a piccolo; has a shrill tone and is used chiefly to accompany drums in a marching band. 像短笛的一种高调位的笛子;具有尖音音质主要用于在军乐队中为鼓伴奏。
- Joyful programmes include marching band, Latin dance, percussion, pop-song singers, samba music and dance. Come feel the drumming on rhythm and beats! 节目包括步操管乐、标准舞及拉丁舞、敲击乐表演、南美音乐、流行歌手表演、森巴舞等动感呈献,实令你热血沸腾!
- His body arrived Tuesday afternoon after a mourning memorial service in the nation's capital. His body was greeted by the University of Michigan marching band, Ford's alma mater. 前总统福特已在密歇根下葬。在首都举行了哀悼仪式后,福特总统的遗体于周四下午被运至此。他的母校密歇根大学的仪仗队迎接了他的到来。
- His body arrived Tuesday afternoon after a mourning memorial service in the nation's capitol. His body was greeted by the University of Michigan marching band, Ford's alma mater. 前总统福特正在密歇根安息。在国会的纪念仪式以后,他的遗体在周二下午被抵达了这里。福特的母校,密歇根大学的仪仗队对他的遗体举行了致敬仪式。
- It arrived from Vietnam at Hong Kong airport, where it was greeted by a marching band and flag-waving children dressed in red and white tracksuits, The Associated Press reported. 火炬从越南抵达香港机场,这里火炬被穿着红色和白色运动服的列队挥舞旗子的孩子欢迎。
- When Patrick enrolled at the University of Louisville, he asked to join the pep band.The band director suggested Patrick try the marching band too, so he did. 派屈克到路易斯维尔大学注册就读时,要求加入原地表演乐队*,乐队指挥建议他也加入行进乐队,他就加入了。
- It means a performance of military music, for example, by marching bands . 它是指军事音乐的演奏,例如,步操管乐队。
- The band played a military march. 乐队吹奏军队进行曲。
- She had picked Yeats partly because of what Kincaid had just said, thinking all of those qualities would appeal to teenagers whose glands were pounding like the high school marching band at football halftimes. 她之所以选了叶芝,部分原因正是刚才金凯说的,她想所有这些物质是会对那些十几的孩子有吸引力的,他们身上的腺体正跳得咚咚响,就像橄榄球赛半场休息时绕场而行的中学生乐队一样。
- "A relic of British pomp and pageantry, the marching band of the Royal 22nd Regiment performs during a flag-lowering at the Citadel in Quebec City, with the Chateau Frontenac Hotel as a backdrop. 魁北克城皇家第22团军营里的一个降旗仪式上,军乐队正在行进中演奏,展现了不列颠帝国昔日的辉煌,背景是芳提娜城堡饭店。