- Geophysics is most commonly employed as a surface mapping method. 地球物理勘探是一种最常用的地面测绘方法。
- Combining with the procedure of facial modeling, the thesis improves the texture mapping method of WON-SOOK LEE. 结合特定人脸建模过程,分析并改进了WON-SOOK LEE纹理贴图方法。
- This paper solves the problem with the self-adaptive texture mapping method of NURBS surface. 运用上述方法,系统基本解决了动态层次细节划分技术引起的模型失真和纹理贴图异常。
- A mapping method of varying offsets and segments is put forward to correct the visual error of electronic map. 提出可变偏移量分段映射方法校正电子江图的显示误差。
- The mapping method proposed here was more effective than the ‘pseudo-testcross’method commonly used in forest trees. 该作图方法比通常林木上所用的“拟测交”作图方法更有效。
- A novel isometric mapping method is presented to map high-dimentional data sequentially to low-dimentional space. 提出了一种新的等距映射下的降维方法,将高维空间的数据依序映射到低维空间。
- This article does not LOD for research, but given quadtree traversal of the establishment and mapping method. 本文并没有对LOD作研究,只是给出了四叉树的建立和遍历绘图的方法。
- Kruijt P G M.Analysis and optimization of laminar mixing:design,development and application of the mapping method,PhD Thesis,Eindhoven University of Technology,2000. 张涵信;沈孟育;计算流体力学-差分方法的原理和应用.;国防工业出版社;北京(2003);5
- The abduction mapping method was introduced to deduce the transformation relation between the non-unbendable surface and the flat surface. 利用微分几何中的诱导映射理论求得非可展曲面到平面域内的变换关系。
- The first is mapping method and the second is object-orient method. Visual Studio 2003 and ATL 7.0 library are the development environment and tool. 在封装思想的指导下,课题采用Visual Studio 2003和其附带的ATL 7.;0活动模板库作为开发工具和环境。
- To sum up the experience on using improved mapping method and new technique to ablate IVT in children,10children IVT were enrolled in this study. 总结应用改进的标测方法和新技术治疗儿童特发性室性心动过速的经验。
- A shoot-peen formation experiment indicates that the size of the plane panel formed by using the feature mapping method reaches the ... 喷丸成形实验表明,采用特征映射法计算完成的板坯成形后尺寸达到了设计要求的精度。
- Besides, the Karnaugh map method and algebra method are presented for designing component level circuits. 此外,本文提出元件级电路设计的卡诺图方法和代数方法。
- In order to utilize the mapping channel of epicardial mapping system effectively,we present a new mapping method with feedback adjustment. 为了有效地利用心外膜标测系统的标测通道,提出了一种带反馈调节的标测方法。
- In this paper, a procedural texture mapping method based on Perlin noise function is designed and implemented on an FPGA programmable board. 在FPGA可编程硬件平台上设计实现了基于珀林噪声函数的过程性纹理生成算法。
- By using the homotopic mapping method, a class of simplified nonlinear model is studied, and the approximate solution is obtained. 利用同伦映射方法,研究了一类简化型非线性模型。
- Thereout, the mapping method and matching method are presented, which are for the quadrilateral partition of the moderate manifold mesh. 由此,在适度简化的流形网格上提出了进行四边形区域划分的映射法与匹配法。
- We propose a new mapping method based on the fuzzy system theory to obtain a 3D ground coordinate from a 2D omnidirectional image. 本文提出一个基于模糊系统理论的影像转换方法,由2D影像取得3D场地座标讯息。
- Based on a free SC tool from University of Delaware, the electrodes structure of the electrooptic A/D converter is anylized by confromal mapping method in detail. 本论文以美国特拉华大学提供的一个免费的保角变换工具包为基础采用保角变换方法对行波结构电光A/D转换器电极结构进行了详细的仿真分析。
- The method seems good but it needs to be tried out. 这个方法似乎不错,但需要试验一下。