- manufacturing grid service (MGS) 制造网格服务
- Global Process Planning (GPP) module was analyzed and developed based on Rapid Manufacturing Grid (RMG) platform, i. e.Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA). 摘要基于快速制造网格平台,分析和建立了全局工艺规划模块,开发了全局工艺规划的分析工具包。
- manufacturing grid service 制造网格服务
- How can you advertise a grid service? 我们如何宣传网格服务呢?
- How does a user subscribe to a grid service? 用户如何订阅网格服务呢?
- Security Solution to Manufacturing Grid Usage Scenarios. 特定的网格安全需求,特定的解决方案。
- Element is part of a grid service definition in Listing 1. 元素在清单1中作为网格服务定义的一部分出现。
- The term grid service instance refers to a particular instantiation of a grid service at run time. 这个术语指的是网格服务的某个特定的实例化。
- To resolve resource scheduling problem efficiently in manufacturing grid,a multi-objective optimization model is put forward. 为有效解决制造网格中资源调度问题,提出了多目标调度优化模型。
- All services adhere to specified grid service interfaces and behaviors. 所有的服务都遵循指定的网格服务接口和行为。
- Combining with both Manufacturing Grid(MG) and Rapid Manufacturing Grid ( RMG) as its preresearch ,it is the first time put forward in this paper. 作者结合两者提出了制造网格(MG) 的概念,并建立了快速制造网格(RMG) 作为前期研究和试点工程。
- Any WSDL tool can have its own programming model to invoke a grid service instance. 任何支持WSDL的工具都可能有自己的编程模型。
- Its prototype system has been developed as well. First, we penetrated into the Open Grid Service Architecture (OGSA). 首先,研究了开放网格体系结构OGSA (Open Grid Service Architecture)。
- Manufacturing Grid resource marketplace was established in which resources were configured based on, market equilibrium theory and resource consumers preferences. 建立了制造网格资源市场,并基于市场均衡原理和资源使用者偏好来配置资源。
- General framework of this novel semantic data grid mechanism was discussed,based on OGSA and OGSA-DAI grid service. 给出了在OGSA和OGSA-DAI数据网格体系结构上支持基于语义的数据处理系统总体结构,包括利用基于本体的语义来封装各个异质数据源;
- OGSA is a new grid architecture, and it takes service as center and proposes the conception of "grid service". OGSA是一种新的网格体系架构,是以服务为中心的,提出了“网格服务”的概念。
- After the proposal of OGSA, GGF began to research on the draft of open grid service infrastructure (OGSI). OGSA提出后,GGF开始着手研究开放网格服务基础设施OGSI草案,由于OGSI规范过分强调网格服务和Web服务的差别,而且没有对资源和服务进行区分,导致了两者之间不能更好地融合在一起。
- Finally, taking the conventional workflow used in mould-making industry as an example, the application roadmap was proposed for the mould-making request services and response service in manufacturing grid environment. 文章最后以模具行业的通用流程为例,展示了在网格环境下模具制造服务请求和响应的路径图。
- The second installment of this series will focus on the grid solution creation process, including grid architecture design and grid service deployment. 这个系列的第二部分将重点讨论网格解决方案创建流程,该流程包括网格体系结构设计、网格服务开发及网格服务部署。
- Grid services are undergoing a veritable explosion of growth at the moment. 网格服务目前正以爆炸式增长势头向前发展。