- Logically associated process data from the open loop control can be displayed jointly in one screen and changed individually, if required. 来自于开环控制的逻辑相关过程数据可以一起显示在一个屏幕上,并且根据需要可以进行单独修改。
- By analysis of speed control system o f hydraulic explosion-proof hoist a nd simulative study shows that the result of closed loop control is bett er than open loop control. 对液压防爆提升机的速度控制系统进行了分析和仿真研究,仿真结果表明闭环控制优于开环控制。
- From the experiment, we can get following conclusions: 1) the response time of frequency conversion hydraulic pump open loop control prolong. 实验结果表明:1)开环变频驱动液压定量泵的输出响应速度较慢,机械特性较差,只适合于流量不需要精确控制、动态响应不高的中低压场合;
- The device adopted closed loop control principle ,it differed from the traditional intermissive、open loop control device. 装置采用闭环控制,设计方案和传统的间歇式的、开环控制装置有着本质的区别。
- However, in case the connection is source bottlenecked or the service is burst, ABR congest control plus open loop control can do a better job than close loop control. 但在拥塞发生在信源处或对突发性业务进行控制的情况下 ,添加开环控制的 ABR拥塞控制可以获得比闭环控制更佳的作用。
- So, a compound control method, which combines the open loop control with closed loop control, is put forward to control the temperature of cooling water outlet engine. 因此,对缸套冷却水出口温度的控制提出了采用开环控制和闭环控制相互配合的复合控制。
- The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the use of the open loop control to change the nonlinear system parameters in order to obtain a desired equilibrium bifurcation diagram. 利用开环控制来改变非线性系统的分岔参数,使之获得理想的平衡点分岔图。
- A residual soda open loop control system was designed based on neural network inverse mathematical model and addition superintendence control system of residual soda series class fe. 并运用此神经网络逆模型,设计出一套基于神经网络逆模型的残碱开环控制系统,再附加一个残碱串级反馈控制作为主控系统的辅助监督控制,或主控故障时的备用控制。
- And the experimental tests had been carried out to verify the established model as well as the dynamic characteristics under opening loop control. 并通过实验,对所建立的动力学模型及开环控制下平台的实际动态特性进行了验证。
- This control may be closed loop or open loop. 控制可以是闭环的也可以是开环的。
- Constant Tension Open Loop Control Plan for a Roll out System 放卷系统的转速控制规律与参数分析
- Serial Open Loop Control System of Chip Microprocessor Stepping Motor 单片机的步进电机串行开环控制系统
- Method of Equilibrium Bifurcation Control Based on the Open Loop Control 基于开环控制的平衡点分岔控制方法
- The truck is in the test or service position, but no given control voltage, VCB is not closed, only manual open (electric interlock). 手车在试验或运行位置而没有控制电压时,断路器不能合闸,仅能手动分闸(电气联锁)。
- The implementation includes both direction and open loop speed control. 执行既包括方向和开环速度控制。
- Super light carbonic fiber pole, aluminium arms, manual open, black or silver color flower carved handle. 碳纤超轻杆,铝骨手开三折伞架,黑色手柄和银色雕花手柄两种。
- Design and Tests of the Open Loop Control System of Engine Electromagnetic Valve Drive System 发动机电磁气门驱动开环控制系统设计与试验
- Check the manual opening or closing case whether normal with the spelial key. 用专用钥匙脱开或合上离合器,检查手动开门或关门情况是否正常。
- An AC rewinder constant tension open loop control plan based on rotation speed control 转速控制的交流复卷机恒张力开环控制方案
- Bright silver colored aluminium pole, manual open, aluminium arms, translucent plastic handle, anti-UV fabrics cloth, both for rainy and sunny use. 亮银铝杆,铝骨二折手开伞架,透明手柄,伞面为防紫外线的双层纱面料,美观大方,晴雨兼用。