- Genomic DNA of Manilkara zapota was extracted using six different methods: CTAB, SDS and other improved methods, and compared in quality. 摘要采用SDS法、CTAB法及其改进的各种方法提取人心果基因组DNA,并对提取的DNA进行质量比较。
- Sapodilla chicle tree Manilkara zapota 人心果木
- Review of Manilkara zapota of Florida, USA 美国佛罗里达州人心果考察报告
- Primary Research on Suspending Cell Cultivation of Manilkara zapota 人心果细胞悬浮培养的初步研究
- Air-layering and Grafting Propagation for Manilkara zapota 人心果高压苗和嫁接苗繁育技术
- Keywords Solanum muricatum;Manilkara zapota;nutritive compositions; 香瓜茄;人参果;人心果;营养成分;
- Studies on the Vessel Elements of Secondary Xylem in Manilkara zapota 人心果次生木质部导管分子的观察研究
- Study on the Nutritive Compositions of Solanum Muricatum and Manilkara Zapota 香瓜茄、人心果的营养成分分析研究
- In Vitro Culture of Mature Embryo and Callus Induction in Manilkara zapota 人心果成熟胚离体培养及愈伤组织诱导
- Preliminary Study on Main Piercing-Sucking Mouthparts Pests on Tress Tip of Manilkara zapota in Nanning City 南宁市人心果梢部主要刺吸害虫的初步研究
- Sapodilla ( Manilkara zapota) 人心果
- manilkara zapota 人心果
- The results were important for analysis of genetic diversity and molecular marker assisted breeding in M. zapota. 研究结果对人心果遗传多样性分析及其分子标记辅助育种具有重要意义。
- The nonelastic rubber obtained from the latex of the South American tree Manilkara bidentata. It has been used in the manufacture of golf-ball covers and machine belts. 巴拉塔树胶从南美树木巴拿马铁线子的胶乳中得到的无弹性橡胶。曾用于制造高尔夫桌面和机器皮带。
- While the humans nestle into their camp tucked between a grove of manilkara trees and hyphaene palms, buffalo and elephants emerge from the forest to feed in the clearing. 当人类端坐在,小树林里,他们挤在人心果树和姜果棕之间的帐篷中时,水牛和大象们则从密林中现身到空旷的地方觅食。
- Study on Flowering Habit of Manilkara zapodilla in Guangxi 广西人心果开花习性研究
- sapodilla (Achras zapota) 人心果
- Manilkara hexandran. 铁线子
- Manilkara zapoto 人心果