- Col. 4:4 That I may make it manifest as I ought to speak. 西四4叫我按著所当说的,将这奥秘显明出来。
- One's dreams therefore should manifest as a result of one's ascent. 作为你提升的结果,你的梦想因此会显化。
- These may be manifest as horns, spikes, elongated limbs, or even tentacles. 这些法术可以让秘法师生成角、尖物和长唇甚至是触须。
- Toilet phobia can simply be manifest as a mild distaste for public loos. 公厕恐惧症的症状有可能只是不太喜欢上公共厕所。
- When you manifest as your Divine Self, you live in harmony with the universe. 当你作为你的神性自我去显化,你生活在与宇宙的和谐中。
- The central vestibular system may be involved and can manifest as vertigo with abnormal eye movements. 如果发生脑干,可能影响中枢前庭神经系统,而造成眩晕及异常眼球运动。
- This can manifest as either*** ual or psychic energy, depending on the individual. 可以表现为性或精神能量,视乎个别人士。
- The _loader reference variable is then used by the component to download the manifest as well as new versions of files. 该组件随后使用_loader引用变量下载清单以及新版本的文件。
- This process is manifested as seroconversion. 这个过程表现为血清转化。
- The linker does not embed the manifest file inside the binary, and can only generate the manifest as an external file. 链接器不会将清单文件嵌入到二进制文件中,而只能将其作为外部文件生成。
- When the right conditions arise, they germinate and manifest as circumstances and situations in our lives. 当因缘合和时,它就会发芽长成我们现在生活的环境和情境。
- This can manifest as either ***ual or psychic energy, depending on the individual. 可以表现为性或精神能量,视乎个别人士。
- Paraneoplastic Syndrome with colon cancer and matastatic lung cancer may manifest as motor neurone-like syndrome. 肠癌合并副肿瘤综合征可表现为运动神经元病。
- So that my bonds have become manifest as being in Christ among the whole Praetorian guard and to all the rest. 13以致我的捆锁,在御营全军,和所有其余的人中,已经显明是为基督的缘故。
- God shows His Grace to the devotee by manifesting as His Guru. 神的恩典,显现为信众的上师。
- It has no form, but manifests as Dharma, Shanti, Prema and Ahimsa. 它没有形象,但展现在正义、和平、爱、非暴力上。
- Conclusions Paraneoplastic Syndrome with colon cancer and matastatic lung cancer may manifest as motor neurone-like syndrome. 结论肠癌合并副肿瘤综合征可表现为运动神经元病。
- To do so, you must author the product and package manifests as described above. 为此,您必须按上文所述创作产品和程序包清单。
- Dengue is an acute infection caused by the dengue virus Flavivirus. Clinically it can manifest as dengue fever or dengue haemorrhagic fever (DF/DHF). 登革热病是由登革热病毒引致的急性传染病,患者的临床情况可分为登革热及登革出血热。
- The complications mostly manifested as toxic hepatitis and bronchopneumonia. 常见的并发症为中毒性肝炎和支气管肺炎。