- We saw him watering the lawn around the house. 我们看见他在为屋子四周的草坪浇水。
- The lawn was checkered with sunlight and shade. 草坪上光影交错成方格图案。
- My mother asked me to mow the lawn. 妈妈让我去剪草坪。
- The trees threw long shadows across the lawn. 树在草坪上都投下长长的影子。
- Several frogs were hopping about on the lawn. 有几只青蛙在草地上跳来跳去。
- The house was painted, the lawn(was) put in order. 房屋油漆了一番,草坪也修整了一下。
- The lawn was covered with fungi. 草地上到处都是蘑菇。
- The reception was held in a pavilion on the lawn. 招待会在草地中的亭子里举行。
- The children were romping about on the lawn. 孩子们在草坪上嬉闹。
- The lawn looked scorched after days of sunshine. 草坪晒了几天以後好像有些枯萎了。
- Moles dug tunnels under the lawn. 鼹鼠在草地下面打洞。
- I usually take the air on the lawn before I go to bed. 我睡觉之前常在草地上散散步。
- manicure the lawn 修剪草坪
- I was sweating like a pig by the time I had finished mowing the lawn. 我在早坪上下班割完草,累得满身大汗。
- He pictured to himself the family sitting out on the lawn. 他想象着一家人坐在草地上的情景。
- He stretched on the lawn and took a nap. 他伸展手脚躺在草地上小睡了一下。
- The children are sporting on the lawn. 孩子们在草坪上玩耍。
- The lawn looks like green velvet. 那草坪看上去就像绿色的天鹅绒。
- The children are having a frolic on the lawn. 孩子们正在草地上嬉戏玩耍。
- The curtains were suddenly drawn and a bright light shone out across the lawn. 窗帘突然拉开,一道强光透出,射到草坪那边。