- The mango tree was shedding its flowers upon the village road, and the bees came humming one by one. 芒果树在树径上撒着繁花,蜜蜂一只一只地嗡嗡飞来。
- Both sides of the road were planted with fresh green mango trees. 路两边都种上了翠绿的芒果树。
- Then the villagers asked the caravan leader, "Oh wise one, how did you know this was not a mango tree? 接着村民又问商队队长:“噢,明智的人,你是如何知道这不是一棵芒果树啊?
- The mango tree was shedding its flowers upon the village road, and the bees came humming one by one. 芒果树在树径上撒着繁花,蜜蜂一只一只地嗡嗡飞来。
- Yiryel was sitting on a bench under a mango tree, surrounded by grandchildren who listened raptly. 耶尔坐在芒果树下的长凳上,绕膝的孙儿们听得聚精会神。
- The mango tree was shedding its flowers upon the village road,and the bees came humming one by one. 芒果树摇落一树的繁花,撒在乡间的小路上,一只只蜜蜂嗡嗡地唱着,接踵而至。
- After investigating thoughtfully he replied, "No, no. This may look like a mango tree, but it isn't. It is a poisonous whatnot tree. Don't even touch it! 他仔细查看后回答:“不,不,这棵树也许长得象芒果树,但它不是,它是一棵不知名的毒树。甚至不能去触碰它!
- So as the mango trees around the country starts to expose their buds. 当芒果在全国各地开始萌芽的时候,第一眼看去,芒果树呈现出一点淡淡的绿色。
- Park, the coconut trees, tall and straight areca, banana, mango tree forest, swaying in the wind Fengwei Zhu Yi, Huang Ying-yang brilliant owner. 园内、椰子树、槟榔树挺拔,香蕉树、芒果树成林,凤尾竹随风摇曵,黄斑竹映阳灿烂。
- OK. You're mango group. The first group is mango group. Here's a plate of mangoes and a mango tree for you. 好吧,你们就是芒果组。给你们一盘芒果和一棵芒果树。
- Beside the two mango trees in the royal garden, she had Prince Longlife crowned as the new king. 在御花园内两株芒果树旁,王后让长寿王子加冕,立为新国王。
- T3 Alley cropping: Double rows of vetiver with mango trees as 1 meter wide hedgerows. Upland rice planted in 5 m wide alleyways. T3巷带种植:两行香根草和芒果树作为1米宽的隔离带。旱稻种在5米宽的行道中;
- Arabica coffee trees(Coffea arabica)with 2m spacing were planted in Doi Tung, and mango trees(Mangifera indica)with 4m spacing were planted in Chiang Dao above the grass strips. 在DoiTung,种咖啡树,株距2m。在清道,把芒果树种在1m宽的草带上,株距4m;
- Master Telling Tales under a Mango Tree 芒果树下师父讲故事
- We'll Sit beneath the mango tree 就让我们坐在芒果树下休息
- We'll sit beneath the mango tree now 我们正端坐在芒果树下
- As the car hit the tree he was snot out. 汽车扭在村上,他被猛地摔了出来。
- These are mango trees. 这些是芒果树。
- The bird sang high and clearly in the tree. 鸟儿在树上清脆地高歌。
- The annular markings on a tree indicate its age. 树的环形纹理显示其年龄。