- mandarin orange products 柑桔制品
- Discussion of current situation and problems of development for mandarin orange production in Guilin 桂林市宽皮柑桔的生产现状、存在问题及发展探讨
- Optimal fruit: Ordinal it is papaya, strawberry, orange, mandarin orange, yangtao, mango, apricot, persimmon and watermelon. 最佳水果:依次是木瓜、草莓、橘子、柑子、猕猴桃、芒果、杏、柿子和西瓜。
- Nanning and other places should develop longan, litchi, banana, pineapple mainly, develop early mandarin orange, sweet shaddock appropriately. 南宁等地应重点发展龙眼、荔枝、香蕉、菠萝,适当发展早柑、蜜柚。
- We explored the production techneque and quality control of natural orange juice with Leibo navel orange and Wenzhou mandarin orange. 探讨了以雷波脐橙为主要原料,生产天然柑桔汁的配方生产工艺及产品质量控制措施。
- Its industries include tobacco and wine, mining products, agricultural products,and biological medicine.Its horticulture mainly includes mandarin oranges and kiwi fruit. 以椪柑和猕猴桃为主的林果业、以烟叶为主的经作业、以牲猪山羊黄牛为主的畜牧业;
- A mandarin orange;a tangerine. 柑橘;柑橘树
- A mandarin orange; a tangerine. 柑橘;柑橘树
- Later, senior official thinks to be done so appear insufficient respect, convert cloth includes mandarin orange, afterwards, often fear whether delaine can grind attaint mandarin orange again. 后来,长吏认为这样做显得不够敬重,就改用布包柑,过后,又常常担心细布是否会磨损坏柑子。
- The eel of the Qing Dynasty that be like blessing, pachyrhizus doing that connects a city, always spring reed mandarin orange, have quite dimensions, become the pillar of local rural economics. 如福清的鳗鱼、连城的地瓜干、永春的芦柑等,都具有相当规模,成为地方农村经济的支柱。
- Skin of curry raw material basically is to grow at semi-tropical southern pigskin and southern buffalo skin, tannin extract raw material is more than mandarin orange and Yang Mei two kinds. 制革原料皮主要是生长于亚热带的南方猪皮和南方水牛皮,栲胶原料为余柑和杨梅两种。
- Snow orange and mandarin orange are respectively the best raw materials of orange juice and oranges in syrup. 雪柑是加工柑桔原汁最好的原料之一,温州蜜柑又是加工糖水桔瓣的最好原料。
- SWOT analysis was used to investigate the basic conditions and prospectives of developing tourism industry in the orange production belt in Quzhou. 摘要用SWOT分析法对衢州柑橘产业带旅游开发的条件和前景进行研究,以期为产业发展提供依据。
- In the 1950s.Hunan began exporting mandarin oranges but the varieties were limited. 五十年代我省开始柑桔出口,多为南桔、广柑。
- Orange juice with mandarin orange sacs 粒粒橙汁
- Mandarin Orange and Pomelo Deep Processing Project 胡柚、柑桔深加工项目
- He eats whatever I give him. He likes mandarin oranges, amber-hued muscatel grapes, purple figs tipped with crystalline drops of honey. 我给什么,它就吃什么。它喜欢柑橘,颗颗都是琥碧色的麝香葡萄,以及顶端渗出如水晶般蜜珠汁的紫色无花果。
- Mandarin orange and melba compote 梅尔巴柑果酱
- Orange juice futures used to have wild runups during the frosts in Florida, but have become much more sedate with the growth of orange production in Brazil in the Southern Hemisphere. 佛罗里达霜冻时橙汁期货猛涨,当南半球巴西的橙子成长时期货就平静了。
- flattened preserved mandarin orange 博罗柑饼