- The next step in managing diversity is to establish an ongoing assessment of the organization's workforce, culture, policies, and practices in areas such as recruitment, promotions, benefits, and compensation. 管理多样化的下一步是建立一个及时的评价体系,对招聘、提升、福利和补偿等方面的组织员工、文化、政策和行为作出评价。
- It is a large-scale enterprise of conglomeration and management diversity. 是一家集团化管理多元化经营的大型企业。
- Managing diversity versus affirmative action 通过积极的行动来管理多样化
- These organizations use an affirmative action approach to managing diversity: They actively try to hire and train a diverse workforce, and to ensure against any discrimination against minority group members. 这些组织采用肯定的行动来管理多样化:他们积极的尝试着雇佣和培训多样化的员工,反对任何歧视少数群体成员的行为。
- A diverse workforce can enhance organizational flexibility, because successfully managing diversity requires a corporate culture that tolerates many different styles and approaches. 由于成功的管理多样化需要一种能容纳不同风格和方法的企业文化,所以一个多样化员工的企业能增加组织的灵活性。
- Today, SNMP is the most popular protocol for managing diverse commercial, university, and research internetworks. SNMP是现今最受欢迎的管理各种商业、大学和研究网路的协定。
- Divers persons were present, of all stations in life. 不同身份的、形形色色的人都出席了。
- The diver poised on the edge of the high board. 跳水运动员在高台边上站稳。
- The divers tried to float the sunken ship. 潜水员想使沈船浮起。
- The young diver is working under the water with a diving suit. 潜水员穿着潜水衣正在水下工作。
- She works as PA to the managing director. 她给总经理作私人助理。
- He has a lot of pull with the managing director. 他对总经理有很大的影响力。
- The managing director appears to be in control. 总经理似乎(大权在握)能控制住局面。
- The diver put wads of cotton in his ears. 潜水员以小块棉花塞在耳朵里。
- The new managing director will act as spearhead of the campaign. 新上任的常务董事将在这场运动中挂帅。
- The diver first drew a deep breath. 跳水员先深深地吸了一口气。
- The sky diver dropped toward the earth. 延缓张伞跳伞者降落到地上。
- We should have a bit more diversity in our army. 我们军队要搞得生动活泼些。
- The new managing director fired half the sale force. 新的总经理解雇了一半的销售人员。
- Dick Diver is the epitome of this world. 迪克·戴弗是这个世界的写照。