- A good enterprise management state is the foundation enterprises realize normal operation and of develope continuously. 企业实现正常运作和持续发展的基础是良好的企业经营状况。
- The not Anacreontic Ceng Yi that management state is inferior to anticipate and did not develop spends federate investment to produce retreat meaning. 经营状况不如预期和未来发展的不明朗曾一度使联合投资萌生退意。
- Although short-term effects good, but the rectification period, from relapsing into the midst of a duplicate or low management state. 虽然短期效果不错,但整顿期过后,故态复萌,又陷入了重复或低水平管理的状态。
- Numerous texts on the subjects of requirements analysis and requirements management state that the earlier errors and issues are identified and resolved, the lower the cost to resolve them. 在需求分析和需求管理方面进行的多次测试可以说明,确定并解决错误和问题越早,解决他们付出的代价就越低。
- Show industrial business industry produces total dimensions and total level, reflective is manufacturing assembly fruit, do not show the stand or fall of management state and economic benefits. 表明工业企业工业生产总规模和总水平,反映的是生产总成果,并不说明经营状况的好坏和经济效益。
- The netizen is denotive to prices branch " approval collects fees adjust be based on nursery school to overspend run " reason undertakes guessing, oppugn the management state of nursery school. 网友对物价部门表示的“批准收费调整基于幼儿园超支运作”理由进行猜测,并质疑幼儿园的经营状况。
- We should continue to explore systems and modes for managing state property effectively. 继续探索有效的国有资产经营体制和方式。
- So in this article we explain the current management state of nursing personnel s stratification employment in our hospital,and analyze the advantages and insufficiencies in this regard. 本文对我国护理人员实施分层使用管理的现状及其存在的优势与不足进行了阐述。
- To manage state on the business tier, we use stateful session EJB components. 要在业务层上管理状态,我们使用有状态会话EJB组件。
- At present, irregularity of administrative nonfeasance comes to be a problem in the way of managing state affairs. 在我国依法治国的进程中,依法行政是很重要的一环,目前,行政不作为违法却成为实现依法行政目标的一个难题。
- And the leader that holds to a party is to carry out assure of general plan of manage state affairs at all lawfully. 而坚持党的领导是实施依法治国方略的根本保证。
- People get involved in managing State and local affairs through the people’s congresses at various levels. 通过各级人民代表大会,人民行使参与管理国家和地方事务的权利。
- In the first section,mainly construes the purpose about carrying out "managing state affairs by virtue". 第一部分阐述了实施“以德治国”的主要目的。
- Ruling by law and by benevolent policy is two ways to manage state affairs de jure. 德治与法治的关系,是回答实现依法治国方略的两种手段和方法之间的关系问题。
- When Duke Ai discussed with Confucius about the way of managing state, the human resource was one of the inevitable topics. 鲁哀公与孔子讨论治国之方时,不免谈到用人方面的事。
- The firm is going to pot under the new management. 公司在新人管理下就要垮台了。
- In pursuit of instrumentalism of criminal law and be awed functional of penal,dominator always embraced weightily punishment in managing state affairs. 对刑法的工具主义和刑罚的镇慑功能的追求,使得统治者历来信奉重刑治国。
- The management wants screwing up. 管理部门需要提高工作效率。
- Endowing civil servant with administrative action right is the demand of prote cting human rights and managing state affairs legally. 所以赋予公务员以行政诉权是人权保障的需要,也是依法治国的必然要求。
- I am studying personnel management. 我正攻读人事学。