- Management of government budget II. 政府预算管理学2。
- Management of securities investment funds II. 证券投资基金管理学2。
- The convoy commodore sees to the internal management of the convoy. 舰队司令官负责管理舰队的内部问题。
- There is no reason why the same could not be done in the case of ETS auctioning, with the revenue flowing into domestic off budget ETS Trust Funds. 在ETS拍卖问题上,没有理由不同样这么做,让收入流向国内预算外ETS信托基金。
- She was praised for her economical management of the budget. 她因对预算的管理有方而被表扬。
- There should be accountability in the management of funds. 应该有专人对资金的管理承担责任。
- I want a say in the management of the business. 我想要在业务管理方面有决定权。
- Changes in top management of the company had been in the wind for weeks. 公司高层管理的人事变动已进行好几个星期了。
- If your vision includes great wealth, then start now learning how to manage money, budget funds, save money and invest money. 如果你的梦想是有很多的财富,那么你现在就要学习如何管理钱财,预算资金,节省花费,正确投资。
- His wife is a prudent manager of money. 他妻子是一位审慎的理财人。
- Mr. Smith is the manager of our local pub. 史密斯先生是我们本地酒吧的经理。
- Storage and management of airline empty ULD. 提供航空公司集装板存储服务。
- He was given overall management of the program. 他负责项目的全面管理。
- They strongly recommended concentration of offer. 他们极力建议集中报盘。
- Increasing budgetary funds and loans for poverty alleviation. 增加财政扶贫资金和扶贫贷款。
- Buyers are worried at the lack of offer. 买主因无报盘而苦恼.
- We will strengthen the management of revenues that exceed budget forecasts. 完善超预算收入的管理。
- The company offers his staff a lot of off duty activities. 公司为它的员工提供了很多的业余活动。
- No trading program would lead to confusion in management of funds. 没有交易计划就会导致资金管理混乱。
- The owner or manager of a ranch; a rancher. 牧场主牧场的主人或经营人; 牧场主