A position in charge of management training programs. 负责管理培训项目的职位。
The company initiated a management training program for small businesses. 该公司发起了针对小企业的管理培训方案。
During the year, the CAS continued to send its permanent staff and members overseas for mountain rescue and disaster management training. 年内又继续派出职员和队员往海外接受攀山抢救及灾难管理训练。
Others, despite their lack of formal training in finance, have gone on to do good work in top-notch companies like Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs. 更有一些人,虽然没有受过正式的金融管理训练,却在顶尖的公司,例如美林和高盛,有杰出的工作表现。