- In that case, in such circumstances, how private enterprise human resource management and how to manage human resources? 那么,在这样的情况下,民营企业怎样管理人力资源、怎样管理好人力资源?
- This study suggests that PR is a good indicator to evaluate the stress to benthic macrofauna, and this would apply to monitor benthic ecology and manage human activities on an intertidal sandy beach. 本研究显示,PR可以评估底栖动物在沙质潮间带游憩区的生存压力,PR有助于底栖生态变化的监测,并可提供人为活动管理之参考。
- Schuler,R.S., 1995. Managing Human Resources, Fifth ed., West PublishingCompany, New York. 郑瀛川、王荣春、曾河嵘,1997。绩效管理,台北:世台管理顾问股份有限公司。
- Schuler, R. S., Managing Human Resources 5thed, West Publishing Co., New York, 1995. 许滨松,人事行政,华视文化事业公司,民国82年。
- Gomez-Mejia, Luis R., Balkin, David B., Cardy, Robert L. (2004/2005). Management Human Resources. 胡玮珊(译)。人力资源管理。台北:台湾培生教育。
- When in Tomson, she had insight into front line service and middle management human resource management. 后来她又在TOMSON(中国)有限公司先后从事人事和销售工作,熟悉一线销售工作和中基层人事人事管理。
- H .J .Chruden&A.W.Sherman: Managing Human Resources, Published by South Western Publishing Co. 陈树发.;现代企业的人力资源管理策略[J]
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- Schuler,R.S., 1995. Managing Human Resources , Fifth ed., West PublishingCompany, New York. 郑瀛川、王荣春、曾河嵘,1997。绩效管理,台北:世台管理顾问股份有限公司。
- Culture is learned, adaptive and shared. Firms must consider culture when advertising, managing human resources, marketing, doing business negotiations and operating policies. 在做广告,人力资源管理,营销,商务谈判和执行政策方针时,公司必须考虑到文化因素。
- How on earth do they manage to rob the bank? 他们到底怎么抢了银行的?
- I think we could manage to crowd a few more in. 我想我们可以设法再多装几个进去。
- On this view, the obsession of managers with mergers and acquisitions, downsizing and strategy prevents them from seeing the more sustainable gains from managing human capital. 这样看来,经理们因为整天忙于兼并收购、裁员和战略制定,却未能发现妥善管理人力资本能使公司获得更长久的回报。
- I'm well (ie fully) able to manage on my own. 我完全能够独自处理。
- The old man manage to puff out a few words. 那老人好容易喘著气说出几句话。
- He has no idea how to manage people. 他根本不知道如何做人事工作。
- How do they manage to subsist on such a low wage? 他们这点工资怎么糊口?
- Speeches distinguish human beings from animals. 人类和动物的区别在于人会说话。
- How on earth did you manage that? 你到底是怎么做的?
- I can't manage with these poor tools. 用这些蹩脚的工具我可对付不了。