- man as described by scientists 科学家所描述的人类
- The experience of such communion as described by mystics. 人神灵交被神秘主义者们描述的这样的交流
- These are the strengths of each upgrade as described by the EA tooltips. 这些是EA官方对每一项升级的解释。
- A spider that dines almost exclusively on plants has been described by scientists. 科学家发现了几乎仅以植物为食的蜘蛛。
- The house, too, as described by Sir John, was on so simple a scale, and the rent so uncommonly moderate. 而且,按约翰爵士所讲述的,这所房子的规模很小,租金又非常便宜。
- China as described by PM Goh was at once familiar and strange to many Singaporeans in those years. 总理所描绘的中国对当时许多岛国人民来说是既陌生又熟悉。
- Another example is the Boggart as described by Rowling, which bears only slight resemblence to the Boggart of folklore. 另一个例子就是罗琳笔下的博格特,和民间传说的博格特只有极少的类同点。
- As a result, Yu became a typical “organic intellectual” as described by Antonio Gramsci. 余努力的结果是,他成长为葛兰西所说的“有机知识分子”的典型。
- Quite the Outgoing Examiner. Likes blood, very creepy. Anko, as described by others, is very “Naruto-ish“. 相当优秀的考官。嗜血,非常暴力。别人形容红豆是,非常的“鸣人化”。
- The smoothing technique of cubic splines as described by Curtis (1970) was applied for the P and S travel times for surface foci. 采用1970年寇蒂斯(curtis)所述的立方样条函数平滑数据的方法;得到表面震源 P 波和 S 波的走时表.
- After this sentencing was the crucifixion, assuming that the scourging is included in this scene, as described by John 19:1, 2. 宣判后就钉十字架,若算这段包括鞭打祂,就像约翰19:1,2所描述的。
- However, as described by Jennings, “the investigation of pattern across HRM systems found different in countries is still in its infancy. 然而,正如詹宁斯所描述的,“对不同人力资源体系中规律性的探究表明,国别差异尚不成熟。”
- His theories were discredited by scientists. 他的理论科学家很怀疑。
- This group generally believes that the Universe and the Earth are as described by astronomers and geologists, but that details of the evolutionary theory are questionable. 这个团体通常认为宇宙和地球犹如天文学家和地质学者描述的那样,但是进化的细节理论是让人怀疑的。
- As good almost kill a man as kill a good book. 毁掉一本好书与杀人无异。
- Actomyosin (AM) from the muscle of adult Amphioxus whose digestive system and genital gland had been rejected was extracted and purified as described by Mommae-rts. 从文昌鱼肌肉中提取并纯化了肌动球蛋白(简称AM)。
- She identified the man as her attacker. 她认出那个男人就是袭击过她的人。
- She stood before the man as a temptress. 她站在那个男人面前,像个妖妇。
- The image of the Messiah described by John is similar to the "Son of Man," as described especially in the Book of Enoch and about whom Jesus later spoke. 约翰描写的弥赛亚和“人子”相似,“人子”尤其在以诺书中,以及后来被耶稣提及。
- Do you know who defined man as a rational animal? 你知道是谁将人说成是有理智的动物的?