- Study on male flower of Ginkgo biloba L. 银杏雄花性状的研究。
- Male flower with rudimentary pistil. 雄花具不发育雌蕊。
- Male flowers: stamens 12-15, capitate. 雄花雄蕊12-15,头状。
- Male flowers: androgynophore 2-3 mm. 雄花:雌雄蕊柄2-3毫米。
- Male flowers: rudimentary gynoecium 3-lobed. 雄花:不发育雌蕊群3浅裂。
- Male flowers many, exserted from involucre. 雄花很多,从总苞外露。
- Pistil abortive in male flowers. 雌蕊在雄花里败育的。
- Male flowers: sepals 6, petaloid, in 2 series. 雄花萼片6,瓣状,在2轮里。
- Male flowers few, slightly exserted from involucre. 雄花少数,来自总苞的稍外露。
- Male flower: adaxial gland only present. 雄花正面的腺只礼物。
- Male flowers many, not exserted from involucre. 雄花很多,从总苞不外露。
- Male flowers shortly pedicellate, obovoid in bud, 1 mm in diam. 雄花有短花梗,在芽中倒卵球形,1毫米直径;
- Male flowers many, usually not exserted from involucre. 雄花很多,从总苞通常不外露。
- Disk well developed and pistil entirely abortive in male flowers. 花盘发育良好和雌蕊在雄花内完全败育。
- Male flowers many, only slightly exserted from involucre. 雄花很多,稍从总苞外露。
- Male flowers 3-5, not exserted from involucre or reaching margin. 雄花3-5,不从总苞外露或伸出到达边缘。
- Inflorescence axillary, unbranched, male flowers 2 or 3 per bract. 花序腋生,不分枝,每苞片雄花2或3。
- Male flowers many, slightly exserted from involucre or same. 雄花很多,从总苞稍外露或等高。
- Male flowers 4-merous.Female flowers 3-10 per glomerule. 每团伞花序雌花3-10。
- Male flowers many, exserted from involucre, conspicuous. 雄花很多,从总苞外露,明显。