- making specimen in single 单个成型试件
- He is an odd specimen in our school. 他在我们学校是一个古怪的人。
- Put the dried specimen in a specimen box. 把干燥的标本放在一个标本盒里,
- The specimen in the museum was presented by an old peasant. 博物馆的这个标本是一位老农赠送的。
- To march in single file or in files or columns. 小路狭窄的通道以单列、多列或纵行前进
- Inflation is now in single figures. 通货膨胀是一位数。
- Objective To explore the best method of making specimen of trigeminal nerve. 目的探讨三叉神经标本的最佳制作方法。
- We've lumped all the top students in single class. 我们把所有优等生都编在一个班里。
- She put the pretty butterfly specimen in the pages of her book. 她把那个美丽的凤蝶标本夹在了书页里。
- Includes all names in single quotes. 在单引号中包含所有名称。
- They had walked in single file down the path. 他们是一前一后走下小径的。
- Bobbin hangers of six rows in single tier? 吊锭?单层六列?
- The specified string is in single quotes. 指定的字符串用单引号引起来。
- The testing method is executed to make specimen abraded by a pair of grinding wheels under the specified load . 试法为回转之试料顶著一对砂轮,并加以规定之负荷,试料旋转时带动砂轮,藉以磨耗试料。
- The soldiers were walking in single file. 战士们排成一列纵队前进。
- She lives in single quarters now. 现在她住在单人营房。
- But for medium thickness pipe DWTT,it usually converse fraction of figure transforming much in break part,and make specimen failure. 但是中厚壁钢管DWTT试验经常产生解理断裂部分塑性变形大的逆向断口 ,使试样无效。
- Boys and girls leam better in single sex schools. 男、女生在单性别的学校里学习更好些。
- Use for cloth,paper,paints,plywood,leather,rile,glass,rubber etc,The testing method is executed to make specimen abraded by a pair of grinding wheels under the specified load. 本机适用于布、纸、涂料、合板、皮革、地砖、玻璃、天然塑胶等。试法为回转之试料顶着一以对砂轮,并加以规定之负荷,试料旋转时带动砂轮,藉以磨耗试料。
- Expose specimen in specified high and low temp, duration and cycles. 暴露样品于规定的高低温、持续时间和周期中。