- Make GMP self-inspection every week according to SOP. Make up the repair and maintenance plan of utility, water treatment, vechicle. 每月按SOP要求进行GMP自查;并制定动力、水处理、汽车维修保养计划.
- When the level indicator shows that the water is insufficient in the boiler, the pump will make up water for it automatically. 当液体指示器显示锅炉内水不充足时,泵将自动为其补充水。
- Facial especially the grease such as forehead, nose ala, chin secretes more exuberant place, often should use make up water. 面部非凡是额头、鼻翼、下巴等油脂分泌比较旺盛的地方,要经常用化妆水。
- Uncover use sordidly make up cotton is touched make up water wipe up, can undertake at ordinary times the foundation protects skin. 揭不干净的用化妆棉沾化妆水擦干净,就可进行平时的基础护肤了。
- Another kind is only make up water appears with sparge form, advantage is dosage is saved, avoid have a hand in to also compare cleanness. 但拍在脸上有明显的清凉感和酒精味,刺激感、不舒适,表示酒精浓度较高,不宜过度使用。
- After clean face, pat nutrition to make up water, wipe on nutrient latex, the oiliness on final blot out divides more nutrient frost. 洁面后,拍上营养化妆水,抹上营养乳液,最后涂上含油分较多的营养霜。
- And in dry north, still opening the winter of central heating especially, must use protect wet model make up water, fluid of adscititious rehabilitate hairdressing. 而在干燥的北方,尤其是还开着暖气的冬天,一定要用保湿型化妆水,外加修复型美容液。
- Convergence make up water suits to slant oily with pore bulkier skin, if " mix very badly " , that slants dry two buccal had better not make up with this kind water. 很多美白化妆水也能暖和去除老化角质细胞,以提高肌肤的光泽度和透明感,碧欧泉晶白净化亮肤水还能促进肌肤排毒和内循环。
- Use clear water or make up water bedew makes up cotton or face paper, much preparation reserves a few pieces. 用清水或化妆水沾湿化妆棉或面纸,多准备几张备用。
- After clean face, with make up cotton dips in make up water dabs at facial ministry, PH of clean and moist, balance is worth, it is the prelude with water tender indispensable skin. 洁面后,用化妆棉蘸化妆水轻拍于脸部,清洁滋润、平衡PH值,是水嫩肌肤不可或缺的前奏。
- The moisturizing lipoid stroma can make up water for the skin and prevent the skin from aging ahead of time, delay the appearance of wrinkles and lines, refine and regenerate the skin. 保湿脂类基质可为肌肤补充水分。预防肌肤提早老化,延缓皱纹及细纹的出现,紧致肌肤,令肌肤焕发青春光彩。
- Step2: Will soft cutin makes up water dabs the place that grows at blain blain is being reached on the face. 将柔软角质化妆水轻拍于脸上及痘痘生长的部位。
- Beautiful memorandum book: Should offer for skin fast and more abiding moist, should choose accumulate contain fill the sparge type of wet alimentary composition makes up water. 漂亮备忘录:要为肌肤提供快速而又较持久的滋润,应选择蕴含补湿滋养成分的喷雾式化妆水。
- This pure and fresh filamentous makes up water, make skin tender all the more and comfortable, also maintain for sequel the program made best preparation. 这款清新如丝的化妆水,让肌肤格外柔嫩舒适,也为后续保养程序做了最好准备。
- They gave me a week to make up my mind. 他们允许我有一周的时间作决定。
- He tried hard to make up for the lose time. 他竭力试图弥补损失的时间。
- But I make up for it in the evening. 可是到了晚上我就补回来了。
- Zhejiang Taiyu Water Treatment Technology Co., Ltd. 浙江泰宇水处理科技有限公司。
- She tired to make up to the boss. 她想讨好老板。
- Beijing JZHY Water Treatment Equipment Co., Ltd. 北京九州环宇水处理设备有限公司。