- make trivial or insignificant. 使微不足道或无关紧要。
- And finally, do not think that in so sensitive and perilous a matter as this, there is anything trivial or insignificant. 最后,你不能认为如此敏感与危险的事物中,有的不过是一些微不足道或是不值一提的东西。
- To see or make trivial distinctions; quibble. 发现或找出细微的差距
- An unimportant or insignificant thing; a trifle. 琐事不重要的或无关紧要的事情; 琐事
- Something trivial or nonessential. 琐屑不重要或不必需的事物
- Something very small or insignificant. 细小的东西,微不足道的东西
- Something trivial or foolish; nonsense. 愚举无聊或愚蠢的事情,瞎搞
- Lacking substance; weak or insignificant. 缺乏内容;弱小或不重要的
- One that is small or insignificant. 小人物,无足轻重的人或物
- Something inconsequential or insignificant. 无意义或无结果的事物
- A simple “thank you” in response to a trivial or ordinary item can make a significant difference. 对于一件不重要的平常的事,一句简单的“谢谢你”能使它产生重要的不同。
- A lord regarded as immature or insignificant. 小老爷被认为不成熟或不重要的老爷
- An unimportant or insignificant thing;a trifle. 琐事不重要的或无关紧要的事情;琐事
- Given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk; tiresomely talkative. 爱说话的,絮聒的喜欢谈话的,通常是有关琐屑或漫无目的的话题; 健谈得让人厌恶
- Most of regurgitation were trivial or mild, and involved just one valve. 绝大多数瓣膜返流轻微或轻度,且只发生于一组瓣膜。
- Not everything that the Loan Guarantee Board asked us to do was trivial or unduly meddlesome. 货款保证委员会要求我们做的事,并不完全是毫无意义的或者是故意刁难的。
- Code is trivial or so short that you only need to test the branch of code generating the exception. 代码不太重要或非常短,只需对产生异常的代码分支进行测试。
- Most of the other issues swirling in the lawyer-soldier tornado are either trivial or meretricious. 律师和军人争论的大部分其他问题或者琐碎或者华而不实。
- Not everything that the Loan Guarantee Board asked us to do was trivial or unduly meddlesome . 货款保证委员会要求我们做的事,并不完全是毫无意义的或者是故意刁难的。
- It is advisable to apply an antiseptic to any wound, no matter how slight or insignificant. 对任何伤口都应敷上抗菌剂,不管伤势是如何的轻微或微不足道。